Electronic attachment to the paper L. Petrov, "Study of harmonic site position variations using VLBI" contains four files: 1) harpos_tab1.txt -- The table of observed harmonic site position variations. Position variations are given in the topocentric coordinate system. The up coordinate is defined along the vector from the geocenter to the reference point of the antenna. Real component is defined as the component of the harmonic site position variation which is in phase with the astronomical tide. Imaginary component is defined as the component of the harmonic site position variation which is ahead of the astronomical tide at pi/2 radians. Units are mm. Format: Lines which start from # are considered as comments Field 1-6 Tidal wave name; Field 10-17 IVS station name; Field 20-24 Topocentric components: one of Up, East, North. Field 29-35 Real part of topocentric site position variation. It is in phase with the astronomical tide. Units: mm. Field 39-45 Rescaled uncertainty of the real part of the site position variations. Units: mm. Field 51-57 Imaginary part of topocentric site position variation. It has phase pi/2 radians ahead of the astronomical tide. Units: mm. Field 61-67 Rescaled uncertainty of the Imaginary part of the site position variations. Units: mm. Field 75-80 Correlation coefficient between the estimates of the real and Imaginary parts of the topocentric site position variation. 2) harpos_tab2.txt -- The table of the differences between the observed harmonic site position variations and the variations due to ocean loading computed on the basis of GOT00 tidal model using SPOTL software program. Residual position variations are given in the topocentric coordinate system. The up coordinate is defined along the vector from the geocenter to the reference point of the antenna. Real component is defined as the component of the harmonic site position variation which is in phase with the astronomical tide. Imaginary component is defined as the component of the harmonic site position variation which is ahead of the astronomical tide at pi/2 radians. Units are mm. Format is the same as in table harpos_tab1.txt . 3) harpos_tab3.txt -- Approximate geocentric coordinates of the IVS stations used in the analysis. Format: Lines which start from # are considered as comments. Filed 8-15 -- IVS station name Field 16-25 -- Positive towards east longitude in range [-180,180). Units: degrees. Field 26-35 -- Geocentric latitude. Units: degrees. 4) harpos_tab4.txt -- Frequency range of the tidal groups. Format: Lines which start from # are considered as comments. Filed 2-7 -- Tidal wave name; Filed 10-19 -- The lower frequency of the frequency range of this tidal wave. Units: rad/sec. Filed 23-32 -- The upper frequency of the frequency range of this tidal wave. Units: rad/sec. Other tables and numerous plots related to this paper are available in http://gemini.gsfc.nasa.gov/development/harpos/