Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 10:04:43 +1100 Subject: ATNF Proposal Application Outcome From: V271: LBA Calibrator Survey The above proposal has been considered by the Australia Telescope Time Allocation Committee for the semester 2008APRS. This proposal has been given a grade of 4.17 on a scale of 0 (low) to 5 (high). Your proposal will remain in the observing pool for one year and may be scheduled at any time within that period. The VLBI scheduler (Philip Edwards) will contact you regarding any scheduling arrangements. Please note however that the proposal wil remain in competition with, and may be displaced by, more highly ranked proposals. Comments on your proposal from the Time Assignment Committee are given below and are intended to help you improve the proposal for future submissions. Please take account of the comments when you rewrite the proposal. For queries on the TAC comments please contact the TAC Chair, Dr Andrew Hopkins ( ******************************** TAC Comments: ********************************** The significant lack of southern VLBI calibrators compared to those north of decó0 is striking, and clearly needs to be rectified. This proposal details a number of major programs that will benefit from this improved calibrator catalogue, particularly in the lead-up to SKA, among others, and the team has the necessary experience and expertise to produce this. More details on the target selection would have been useful to see. The successful initial results from V230 are encouraging and support the feasibility of the proposed observations. The TAC were pleased to see the data release plans.