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Schedule for the next LCS experiment, v271e

Dear colleagues,

  The schedule for the next LCS v271e experiment that will run
on 2010.03.11 is uploaded. It can be found at 

  The schedule has 106 target sources, 3 sources per scan. So far, all 
sources were observed for 120 seconds. In v271e I deviated from this rule.
8 weaker objects were added, and their integration time was increased 
to 3-10 minutes. Integration time for other 98 objects was the same: 
120 seconds. As an extra precaution that weak 8 objects will be detected,
I selected them from the AT20G catalogue among those which are associated 
with gamma-ray sources from the 1 year Fermi catalogue. Their AT20G flux 
densities are in the range 100-200 mJy. Since we are running out of bright 
sources, we will have to observe more often weaker objects in the future. 
Including v271e, 663 objects are scheduled. 

04-MAR-2010 00:13:50

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