Leonid Petrov
Current communication address:
phone: (office)
+1 (703)-556-8757
phone: (cell)
+1 (703)-459-4392
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Research field
astrometry, radioastronomy, space geodesy, mathematical methods of data analysis, atmospheric sciences.
Recent activity
Catalogues of positions of compact radio sources
Estimation of Love numbers from VLBI observations
data analysis of geodetic VLBI experiments
Study of systematic errors in VLBI caused by polarization impurity
Maintenance of the International Mass Loading Service
Study of systematic errors in VLBI caused by spurious phase calibration signals
Phase delay ambiguity resolution project
Study of systematic errors of aerosol optical depths retrieved from NASA satellites.
Study of the impact of modeling the atmosphere path delay
rigorously computed from the numerical weather models on results of analysis of radioastronomy observations.
Curriculum Vitae
A few recent publications
Discussion page
Private area
Last update: 2009.01.23_21:35:50