Baseline length repeatability: R1 versus R4

42 VLBI experiments recorded in 256Mb/sec mode, R1xxx and C1010-c1019, were compared with 42 experiments recorded in 56Mb/sec mode, NEOS-A and R4 experiments. 56Mb/sec experiments were selected at the dates closest to r1 experiments. 84 experiments during the period of [2001.05.03, 2002.08.05] were analyzed.

Plots of the differences:

Blue disks represent 56Mb/sec experiments (R4),
Green circles represent 256Mb/sec experiments (R1).

Realtive uncertainty of each point is approximately sqrt(2/n) where n the number of sessions for this baseline. For n=20, uncertainty is about 30%.

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Last update: 21-AUG-2002 14:21:51