Requested sources for RDV72 experiment

# CATRES Flux and Spectral index file. Format version of 2004.12.18
# Creation date: 2008.11.12_22:25:26
# Freq_min:       300. (MHz)
# Flux_lim:        30. (mJy)
# Freq_ref:      8600.0 MHz -- reference frequency for the flux limit
# Flux_ign:        10. (mJy) -- ignore records with flux less than that
# Freq_ign_min:   300.0 MHz -- min frequency for flux ignore interval
# Freq_ign_max: 99001.0 MHz -- max frequency for flux ignore interval
# SpInd_lim:       -0.50
# Min_Dist:         0.033 deg -- min distance between two sources
# Gal_lat_lim:      0.000 deg
# Dec_lim:        -90.00 deg
# Format:
#   1:10  A10    J2000-name.
#  13:23  A11    Right ascension
#  26:36  A11    Declination
#  39:48  F10.1  Extrapolated flux density at 8.4 GHz (mJy)
#  51:56  F6.1   Spectral index
#  59:62  I4     Number of different frequences used in computations
#  65:68  F4.1   Distance from the closest calibrator (in deg)
#  71:75  F5.1   Galactic latitude (in deg)
#  78:78  A1     Whether the source has been observed with VLBI
# Name      Right Asc.   Declination        Flux   Sp_ind    #  dist D
J0002-2153  00_02_12.02  -21_53_09.9       164.0    9.99     1 %                2359-221
J0003-1547  00_03_27.35  -15_47_05.4       128.0    9.99     1 %                0000-160
J0046-2631  00_46_13.74  -26_31_54.3       196.1   -0.51     3 %                0043-268
J0114-2419  01_14_57.35  -24_19_44.9       195.8   -0.33     3 %                0112-245
J0208-1739  02_08_35.01  -17_39_34.8       235.0    9.99     1 %                0206-178
J0317-2803  03_17_33.70  -28_03_18.2       239.3   -0.19     3 %                0315-282
J0504-1512  05_04_28.87  -15_12_27.9       198.9   -0.34     3 %                0502-152
J0529-2515  05_29_57.06  -25_15_58.6       330.4    0.01     3 %                0527-253
J0542-2658  05_42_12.66  -26_58_43.1       218.6   -0.25     3 %                0540-270
J0611-2828  06_11_51.30  -28_28_00.1       198.1   -0.26     3 %                0609-284
J0940-2829  09_40_04.96  -28_29_29.6       193.8   -0.03     3 %                0937-282
J1505-3432  15_05_02.35  -34_32_56.9       397.7    0.04     3 %                1501-343
J1531-2735  15_31_24.13  -27_35_31.5       200.7   -0.51     3 %                1528-274
J1653-1551  16_53_34.23  -15_51_28.3       193.0    9.99     1 %                1650-157
J1714-2100  17_14_40.38  -21_00_41.6       206.0    9.99     1 %                1711-209
J1859-2509  18_59_05.00  -25_09_47.2       191.0    9.99     1 %                1856-252
J2353-2743  23_53_11.37  -27_43_24.8       203.2    0.43     3 %                2350-280
  1. Plots of ATCA flux density spectrum (baseline 6km)
  2. Plots of single sish spectra based on the PMN catalogue
  3. Plots of single sish spectra based on the NVSS catalogue

Back to Leonid Petrov's discussion page.

This page was prepared by Leonid Petrov ()
Last update: 2008.11.12_22:37:34