Source statistics on 2007.04.01
Source statistics among several catalogues:
# of observations: 2 and more: # of sources: 3325 100.00%
# of observations: 8 and more: # of sources: 3042 91.49%
# of observations: 16 and more: # of sources: 2783 83.70%
# of observations: 24 and more: # of sources: 2533 76.18%
# of observations: 32 and more: # of sources: 2325 69.92%
# of observations: 64 and more: # of sources: 1607 48.33%
# of observations: 128 and more: # of sources: 736 22.14%
# of observations: 256 and more: # of sources: 524 15.76%
# of observations: 512 and more: # of sources: 420 12.63%
# of observations: 1024 and more: # of sources: 277 8.33%
# of observations: 2048 and more: # of sources: 161 4.84%
# of observations: 4096 and more: # of sources: 133 4.00%
# of sessions: 1 and more: # of sources: 3325 100.00%
# of sessions: 2 and more: # of sources: 1265 38.05%
# of sessions: 3 and more: # of sources: 831 24.99%
# of sessions: 4 and more: # of sources: 747 22.47%
# of sessions: 5 and more: # of sources: 696 20.93%
# of sessions: 6 and more: # of sources: 662 19.91%
# of sessions: 7 and more: # of sources: 636 19.13%
# of sessions: 8 and more: # of sources: 609 18.32%
# of sessions: 16 and more: # of sources: 489 14.71%
# of sessions: 32 and more: # of sources: 265 7.97%
# of sessions: 64 and more: # of sources: 174 5.23%
# of sessions: 128 and more: # of sources: 146 4.39%
# of sessions: 256 and more: # of sources: 121 3.64%
# of sessions: 512 and more: # of sources: 87 2.62%
# Errors threshold: 0.30 # of sources: 93 2.80%
# Errors threshold: 0.40 # of sources: 469 14.11%
# Errors threshold: 0.50 # of sources: 894 26.89%
# Errors threshold: 1.00 # of sources: 1914 57.56%
# Errors threshold: 2.00 # of sources: 2456 73.86%
# Errors threshold: 3.00 # of sources: 2659 79.97%
# Errors threshold: 5.00 # of sources: 2877 86.53%
# Errors threshold: 10.00 # of sources: 3057 91.94%
# Errors threshold: 20.00 # of sources: 3174 95.46%
# Errors threshold: 100.00 # of sources: 3243 97.53%
# Errors threshold: 0.30 # of sources: 0 0.00%
# Errors threshold: 0.40 # of sources: 0 0.00%
# Errors threshold: 0.50 # of sources: 107 8.19%
# Errors threshold: 1.00 # of sources: 732 56.05%
# Errors threshold: 2.00 # of sources: 985 75.42%
# Errors threshold: 3.00 # of sources: 1068 81.78%
# Errors threshold: 5.00 # of sources: 1156 88.51%
# Errors threshold: 10.00 # of sources: 1218 93.26%
# Errors threshold: 20.00 # of sources: 1260 96.48%
# Errors threshold: 100.00 # of sources: 1297 99.31%
# Errors threshold: 0.30 # of sources: 0 0.00%
# Errors threshold: 0.40 # of sources: 1 0.21%
# Errors threshold: 0.50 # of sources: 16 3.31%
# Errors threshold: 1.00 # of sources: 174 36.02%
# Errors threshold: 2.00 # of sources: 300 62.11%
# Errors threshold: 3.00 # of sources: 357 73.91%
# Errors threshold: 5.00 # of sources: 407 84.27%
# Errors threshold: 10.00 # of sources: 447 92.55%
# Errors threshold: 20.00 # of sources: 474 98.14%
# Errors threshold: 100.00 # of sources: 483 100.00%
# Errors threshold: 0.30 # of sources: 0 0.00%
# Errors threshold: 0.40 # of sources: 149 22.47%
# Errors threshold: 0.50 # of sources: 293 44.19%
# Errors threshold: 1.00 # of sources: 471 71.04%
# Errors threshold: 2.00 # of sources: 562 84.77%
# Errors threshold: 3.00 # of sources: 590 88.99%
# Errors threshold: 5.00 # of sources: 613 92.46%
# Errors threshold: 10.00 # of sources: 636 95.93%
# Errors threshold: 20.00 # of sources: 648 97.74%
# Errors threshold: 100.00 # of sources: 658 99.25%
# Errors threshold: 0.30 # of sources: 23 2.49%
# Errors threshold: 0.40 # of sources: 266 28.82%
# Errors threshold: 0.50 # of sources: 644 69.77%
# Errors threshold: 1.00 # of sources: 804 87.11%
# Errors threshold: 2.00 # of sources: 843 91.33%
# Errors threshold: 3.00 # of sources: 855 92.63%
# Errors threshold: 5.00 # of sources: 881 95.45%
# Errors threshold: 10.00 # of sources: 902 97.72%
# Errors threshold: 20.00 # of sources: 914 99.02%
# Errors threshold: 100.00 # of sources: 921 99.78%
Position errors as a function of the number of observations
Position errors as a function of the number of observing sessions
Position errors as a function of the integrated flux denisty at X-band
Position errors as a function of the correlated flux denisty at X-band
Solution 2007b without VLBA astrometric survey sessions
Position errors as a function of the number of observations
Position errors as a function of the number of observing sessions
Position errors as a function of the integrated flux denisty at X-band
Position errors as a function of the correlated flux denisty at X-band
# of observations: 2 or more # of sources: 923 100.00% 2007b solution
# of observations: 8 or more # of sources: 865 93.72% 2007b solution
# of observations: 16 or more # of sources: 813 88.08% 2007b solution
# of observations: 24 or more # of sources: 773 83.75% 2007b solution
# of observations: 32 or more # of sources: 745 80.72% 2007b solution
# of observations: 64 or more # of sources: 650 70.42% 2007b solution
# of observations: 128 or more # of sources: 552 59.80% 2007b solution
# of observations: 256 or more # of sources: 474 51.35% 2007b solution
# of observations: 512 or more # of sources: 389 42.15% 2007b solution
# of observations: 1024 or more # of sources: 248 26.87% 2007b solution
# of observations: 2048 or more # of sources: 154 16.68% 2007b solution
# of observations: 4096 or more # of sources: 130 14.08% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 1 or more # of sources: 923 100.00% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 2 or more # of sources: 803 87.00% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 3 or more # of sources: 733 79.41% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 4 or more # of sources: 687 74.43% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 5 or more # of sources: 663 71.83% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 6 or more # of sources: 644 69.77% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 7 or more # of sources: 611 66.20% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 8 or more # of sources: 583 63.16% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 16 or more # of sources: 472 51.14% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 32 or more # of sources: 256 27.74% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 64 or more # of sources: 173 18.74% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 128 or more # of sources: 145 15.71% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 256 or more # of sources: 119 12.89% 2007b solution
# of sessions: 512 or more # of sources: 86 9.32% 2007b solution
Last update: 2007.04.05_18:07:58
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This page was prepared by Leonid Petrov