V2M maps before and after PIMA upgrade 2012.10.01

Fixing a bug in computing scan-averaged visibilities for sources that have significant errors in a priori positions (more > 0".5)

PIMA prior 20121001 incorrectly averaged visibilities when a correction for quadratic term in phase that arises when a priori source postions used for correlation had significant errors has been applied. This error went undetected though testing using RDV data, because these experiments had a priori source positions known to mas level.
Here are results of image processing using new version of PIMA and old version (prior October 2012).

Combining visibilities from two epochs

A new feature was introduced in PIMA 20121001: the capability to merge visibilities from two or more experiments and then process combined visibilities with difmap.
COMBINED bc191a bc191e

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Last update: 2012.10.12_21:22:10