Preview of VLBI/Gaia Data Release 2 differences
On 2018.04.25 Gaia DR1 catalogue of 1,692,919,135 objects was released.
The data are accessible
here, 1.3 Tb after uncompressing.
There are 8801 matching sources between VLBI RFC 2018a
source position catalogue and Gaia DR2.
VLBI and Gaia DR2 errors
Gaia DR2 position errors are smaller than position errors of 8801 matching
VLBI sources.
Here is the raw distirbution of 8801 normalized arc lengths. The arc lengths were
divided by their formal uncertainties computed using reported VLBI and Gaia DR2
uncertainties and the correlation between right ascension and declination.
Here VLBI position uncertainties were scaled by 1.25 factor.
The distribution was transformed using the power low D(x) = d(x)λ
with parameter λ=0.8. The distribution is reconciled with the Rayleighian,
if either VLBI position uncertainties are scaled by 1.25 factor or Gaia DR2
position are scaled by 1.4.
Distribution of VLBI and Gaia DR2 offset directions
It was found ( Kovalev et al.(2017);
Petrov, Kovalev (2017a);
Petrov, Kovalev (2017b) )
that Gaia DR1 minus VLBI offsets directions with respect
to parsec-scale jet direction show a strong anisotropy. This anisotropy
was interpreted as manifestation of optical jets at scales 1–200
mas that cannot be observed directly. It was predicted that the anisotropy
will be sharper for Gaia DR2 minus VLBI. This prediction has been
Here is the table of the distribution of position angles of Gaia DR2 minus VLBI
offsets with respect to jet directions at parsec scales found from analysis of
VLBI images. Only those matches for which jet directions were reliably
identified were used for producing these distributions.
All matches in a range 0 to 200 mas |
Gaia DR2 | Gaia DR1 |
Matches in a range 0 to 200 mas with σ > 2 |
Gaia DR2 | Gaia DR1 |
Matches in a range 10 to 200 mas with σ > 4 |
Gaia DR2 | Gaia DR1 |
Matches in a range 3 to 10 mas with σ > 2 |
Gaia DR2 | Gaia DR1 |
Matches in a range 2 to 3 mas with σ > 2 |
Gaia DR2 | Gaia DR1 |
Matches in a range 1 to 2 mas with σ > 2 |
Gaia DR2 | Gaia DR1 |
Matches in a range 0 to 1 mas with σ > 2 |
Gaia DR2 | Gaia DR1 |
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Last update: 2018.05.09_18:24:17
Web page was prepared by Leonid Petrov