VLBI experiment vt14a
The goal of the expriment
Determine positions of two new stations ASKAP-07 and WARKWORT that
never before paricipated in a geodetic-style VLBI experiments.
- Mode: L band, singe IF, band [1368.000, 1432.0] MHz,
dual polarization, 2 bit sample
- Duration: 7 hours.
- Scheduling: geodetic style. All scans are of 150 seconds long.
More datails can be found here.
Main Result
Position at epoch 2010.05.07:
X -2556743707 -+ 193 mm
Y 5097440315 -+ 326 mm
Z -2847749657 -+ 223 mm
Error ellipse:
U Comp -+ 424 mm
E Comp -+ 109 mm
N Comp -+ 75 mm
X -5115325540 -+ 141 mm
Y 477844424 -+ 71 mm
Z -3767193985 -+ 122 mm
Error ellipse:
U Comp -+ 184 mm
E Comp -+ 64 mm
N Comp -+ 41 mm
Other results
ATCA participated as a phased array. To our surprise, position of the
ATCA phase reference center was not ATCA-104 as we anticipated, but a point
with pad CATN5 that according to L. Petrov, C. Phillips, A. Bertarini, A. Deller, S. Pogrebenko,
A. Mujunen, "The use of the Long
Baseline Array in Australia for precise geodesy and absolute astrometry",
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 26(1), 75-84, 2009.
DOI: 10.1071/AS08030 has the following offset wrt ATCA-104:
-30.612 m east and 76.531 m north.
X -4751639558 -+ 134 mm
Y 2791700335 -+ 83 mm
Z -3200491045 -+ 107 mm
Error ellipse:
U Comp -269 -+ 182 mm
E Comp -105 -+ 38 mm
N Comp -34 -+ 40 mm
Position of ATCAPN5 turned out within of 2.5 σ with respect to
the position of CATN5 pad. This provides a check of accuracy of ASKAP-07
and WARKWORT stations.
Listing of the stand-alone solution at LL polarization can be
found here.
Final solution was made in a global mode using all available VLBI
observations plus vt14a. RR and LL band group delay were processed
separately, i.e. were averaged incoherently. Troposphere path delay
was computed by numerical integration of the 4D refractivity field
from the MERRA numerical weather model. Ionosphere contribution was
computed using ionosphere TEC maps from CODE.
- Polarization leakage.
- First two hours Parkes had polarization swapped.
For example, obs #45 at 2010.05.07-00:30:06.125
had the following SNR:
RR: 164; LL: 117; RL: 1081; LR: 1075.
- First two hours Parkes had polarization swapped.
For example, obs #45 at 2010.05.07-00:30:06.125
had the following SNR:
RR: 164; LL: 117; RL: 1081; LR: 1075.
- WARKWORT observed neither RCP, nor LCP: fringe
amplitudes at RR, RL, LR, and LL are about the same.
- Polarization impurity defined as
sqrt{RL^2 + LR^2}/sqrt{RR^2 + LL^2} is
At/Mp | 7% | |
At/Pa | 25% | |
At/Ho | 32% | |
At/As | 31% | |
At/Ww | 100% | |
I made an attempt to make RR+LL combined fringe fitting solution.
This helped to improve SNR at many baselines, but made more harm
at another baselines, for example at baselines with WARKWORT.
- Autocorrelation
- Non-linear shape of cross-spectrum
- Cross spectrum shows very significant non-linearity.
The amplitude drops at the edge of the band almost
to zero: fringe spectrum ASKAP-07/PARKES.
Masking the regions with low amplitude helps to improve
- Instable phase at ASKAP-07.
Fringe phase at baselines with ASKAP-07
was instable: fringe phase at ASKAP-07/PARKES,
compare with fringe phase at
- Bizarre jitter in cross-spectrum at baselines with ATCAPN5
at RR.
- Plot of cross-spectrum at
ATCAPN5/PARKES, RR polarization, no bandpass masking,
no complex bandpass calibration, coarse resolution.
- Plot of the cross-spectrum amplitude at
RR, no bandpass masking, no complex bandpass calibration,
fine resolution.
- Plot of the cross-spectrum amplitude at
RR, no bandpass masking, no complex bandpass calibration,
high resolution.
- Plot of cross-spectrum at
ATCAPN5/PARKES, LL polarizaion, fine resolution.
No jitter.
- Refringed with 4096 channels, 8 times more than
for a production run.
Plot of cross-spectrum at
ATCAPN5/PARKES, RR polarization , no bandpass masking, no complex bandpass calibration,
coarse resolution.
- Refringed with 4096 channels.
Plot of cross-spectrum at
RR, no bandpass masking, no complex bandpass calibration,
high resolution.
I have no clue what is the cause of the amplitude jitter.
My first guess was that there is a harmonic process with the
frequency close to the Nyquist. Refringing with higher
spectral resolution should show it cleanly. Instead,
increasing the frequency resolution by a factor of 8 showed
another jitter, which does not look like as a noise process.
This is ATCAPN5 specific and it appears only at RCP.
- Clock break at HOBART26 at -21.2 ns at 01:36.
- Huge quadratic term in clock function at ASKAP-07, that changed
around 01:00 as it seen from this
plot. Does ASKAP-07 have a good H-maser? Clock function
of WARKWORT does not show anomalies.
In general, I consider this experiment as successful. Error bar of
position of new stations is 5–10 cm for horizontal coordinates
and 20–40 cm. It is about what one might expect from a 6 hours,
1 channel, L-band experiment with two new stations.
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This page was prepared by Leonid Petrov
Last update: 2010.09.27_22:17:32