On 2011.02.24 experiment has been correlated in Bonn using DiFX software correlator. Experiment can be considered as partially successful. Fringes were detected at X and S-bands. However, the scheduled was extremely unfavorable for position determination of WARK12M. Station WARK12M was schedule in a tag-alone mode. That means the schedule was prepared for the network without WARK12M, and then WARK12M was added to observations of those sources which were above the horizon. Since the closest station of the network was in 6.7 thousands km from New Zealand, very few sources had a common visibility zone. Of 39 observations scheduled fringes were detected at 22 observations.
The listing of the solution is accessible here. Results of position determination from r1470:
Total Adjustment to apriori Formal error WARK12M 9999 AUST X Comp -5115325325.29 mm 572.708 mm 941.765 mm WARK12M 9999 AUST Y Comp 477843761.25 mm 789.246 mm 227.851 mm WARK12M 9999 AUST Z Comp -3767193677.16 mm 923.841 mm 969.263 mm WARK12M 9999 U Comp -948.38 mm -948.383 mm 1335.313 mm WARK12M 9999 E Comp -839.09 mm -839.092 mm 146.498 mm WARK12M 9999 N Comp 448.20 mm 448.196 mm 271.632 mmThe formal uncertainties are a factor of 2—5 greater than in the L-band astrometry experiment, although the systematic errors are presumably less.
Zoom of first two IFs:
Zoom of the last IFs:
Last update: 2011.02.25_00:31:21