VLBI Analysis Software pSolve
VLBI Analysis Software pSolve is a set of programs for analyzing
very long baseline interferometry observations made under astrometric and
geodetic programs. It allows
- to get the estimates of targeted parameters, such as station
positions and velocities, source coordinates, Earth orientation
parameters, Love numbers and many others;
- to evaluate performance of stations;
- to manipulate with databases of the VLBI experiments;
VLBI Analysis Software pSolve runs under Linux
operating system. It consists of 91 programs, 1659 modules of 379 thousand
lines of source code written mainly in Fortran.
Description of some algorithms.
- Multigroup LSQ method and its generalization.
Abstract |
Full text
- Group delay ambiguity resolution algorithm.
Full text
- Outlier elimination algorithm.
Full text
- Observations reweighting algorithm UPWEI by Leonid Petrov.
Full text
- Observations reweighting algorithm MYWAY by John Gipson
Full text
- Constraints, covariances and chi-square in Solve by John Gipson.
Full text
How to get pSolve.
Download Distributive kit
For first installation you need
INSTALL.txt file.
User documentation related to pSolve.
List of a priori files.
pSolve requires a priori files. You can find below links to the versions
of these files maintained by VLBI team of the Goddard Space Flight Center.
- blokq.dat -- file with
a priori station positions, source positions, catalogue of ocean
loading coefficients.
- ut1pm.dat -- file with
a priori polar motion and UT1 in binary Calc format. Updated daily
around 04:30 local time.
- usno_finals.erp --
file with a priori polar motion and UT1 in erp format. Updated daily
around 04:30 local time.
- ut1ls.dat -- file with
leap second: value of function UT1-TAI for different epochs.
- DE405_be.jpl -- ephemerides
file for planets and Moon. Big endian version.
- DE405_le.jpl -- ephemerides
file for planets and Moon. Little endian version.
- ECCDAT.ecc -- station's
eccentricity file.
- antenna.dat -- file with
station's characteristics. (NB: obsolete)
- concrete.dat -- EOP mod-file
for pre-1984 data (NB: poor quality).
- sitpl.dat -- file with
station names and names of tectonic plates to which the station
- last.erp -- mod-file
produced by Goddard EOP Kalman filter using all 24 hour VLBI
observations. This file is updated with processing each new session.
- glo.src -- mod-file with
coordinates of all sources.
- glo.sit -- mod-file with
positions of all stations.
- glo.vel -- mod-file with
velocities of all stations.
- 2007c.axo -- antenna axis
offsets for all stations.
- source.names -- the table
of correspondence between the IVS source names, IAU B1950 names
(the same as IERS names), IAU J2000 names, IERS designators.
- blokq_dat.hps -- mod-file
in HARPOS format of the site position variations caused by ocean
loading. This file was obtained by converting the amplitudes and
phases of the ocean loading taken from the blokq.dat file,
revision of 2002.12.15 . NB: this file is provided for
backward compatibility only.
- Table of coefficients of the amplitudes of the 3-D displacements
caused by ocean loading for all VLBI sites.
- Times series of the 3-D displacements caused by
atmosphere pressure loading for all VLBI sites.
Web page was prepared by Leonid Petrov
Last update: 2018.06.01_22:19:04