Installation of Post-Solve under 64-bit Linux or MAC OS ======================================================= I. solve requires 1) tcsh 6.10 or newer Should be symlinked to csh 2) gcc 4.7 or newer 3) gfortran 4.7 or newer 4) zlib 1.2 or newer 5) ncurses 5.7 or newer 6) curl 7.1 or newer 7) readline 6.0 or newer 8) fftw 3.3.3 or newer ** 9) cfitsio 3.26 or newer ** 10a) openblas-0.3.3 or newer ** or 10b) atlas 3.10.0 or newer ** 11) petools 20200501 or newer 12) spd_client 20200501 or newer 13) ners 20200501 or newer 14) vtd 20200501 or newer 15) vex_parser 20201027 or newer 16) gvh 20201103 or newer NB: 1) You need to build openblas (or atlas) and cfitsio even if you have them in your system! Unfortunately, these programs are often built with underscore appended to the the external names, which prevents interoperability Fortran and C. Solve requires them to be built without appending underscores. 2) the use of atlas is considered depricated II. Root permission. -------------------- In general, you do not need to have root permissions for installing post-Solve and its dependencies, except 1) You need to root permission for installing tcsh if you do not have it at your system. 2) If you chose to use atlas as a BLAS (basic algebra software) implementation, you may need disable CPU throttling. if your system has enabled it. If you chose openblas, you do not need this and you can skip to the next section. CPU throttling will prevent installation and tuning package atlas, since altas relies in measurement of performance of zillions of code snippets and requires to have the CPU speed constant. You need to have root permission to disable it. See petools INSTALL file for details. 3) You may need root permission if your OS installation removed header files for third-party programs that Solve dependes on, for instance if it does nove have X11 header files. You need to determine in which directory you are installing post-solve and its dependencies. It is recommended to install post-Solve and all its dependencies in the directory tree with the same prefix. Let us environment set variable PREFIX that points to that directory. Include $PREFIX/lib in LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, f.e. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${PREFIX}/lib" Alternatively, at Linux machine if you have root account you can include that directory in /etc/ and run command ldconfig after installation of each library. Include $PREFIX/bin in PATH variable, f.e. setenv PATH "${PATH}:${PREFIX}/lib" III. Building dependencies. --------------------------- 1) tcsh If you do not have tcsh at your system, download it. Download the source-code from ./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin make (as root) make install (as root) add these two lines in /etc/shells if you do not have them: /bin/tcsh /bin/csh Your system administrator may select installing tcsh using some package manager. This is fine. NB: there should be a symbolic link of csh to tcsh. Some very old systems may have There was an old free-BSD version of csh 2) openblas 0.3.3 or atlas-3.10 or newer. See petools installation instruction. 3) readline 6.0 or newer. See petools installation instruction. 4) cfitsio 3.26 or newer. See vtd installation instruction. 5) petools 20230416 or newer. Download and untar tarball from Refer file INSTALL inside the tar-ball for installation instructions. 6) ners_20210824 or newer Download and untar tarball from ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX \ --with-petools=$PREFIX \ --python-dir=$PREFIX/script make make install NB: You should configure ners with petools. Otherwise, pima will not build. 7) spd_client_20220211 or newer Download and untar from source $PREFIX/bin/petools_vars ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX \ --with-petools=$PREFIX \ --with-lapack="$SOLVE_LIB_BLAS" \ --with-ners=$PREFIX make make install NB: You should configure spd_client with petools and lapack. Otherwise, post_Solve will not build. 8) vtd 20231223 or newer Download and untar from source $PREFIX/bin/petools_vars ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX \ --data=$PREFIX/share/vtd \ --with-petools=$PREFIX \ --with-cfitsio=$PREFIX \ --with-spd_client=$PREFIX \ --with-ners=$PREFIX make make install 9) gvh 20231222 or newer Download and untar from source $PREFIX/bin/petools_vars ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX \ --with-petools=$PREFIX \ --with-vtd=$PREFIX \ --with-ners=$PREFIX make make install 10) vex_parser 20210707 or newer Download and untar from source $PREFIX/bin/petools_vars ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX \ --with-petools=$PREFIX \ make make install IV. Building post-Solve ----------------------- Finally, configure post-solve: ./configure --prefix=[dir name] \ --with-petools=[dir name] \ --with-cfitsio=[dir name] \ --with-spd_client=[dir name] \ --with-ners=[dir name] \ --with-vtd=[dir name] \ --with-gvh=[dir name] \ --with-vex_parser=[dir name] \ --scratch-data=[scratch dir name] \ --save_data=[share dir name] \ --gvf_data=[gvh data dir name] \ --center_abr=[3-letter center abbreviation] \ --center_name=[name of the analysis center] \ --ps_viewer=[executable file] \ --gif_viewer=[executable file] where --with-petools=[dir name] specifies directory names where package petools is installed. --with-cfitsio=[dir name] specifies directory names where package cfitsio is installed. --with-spd_client=[dir name] specifies directory names where package spd_client is installed. NB: spd_client should be configured to be installed with petools. --with-ners=[dir name] specifies directory names where package ners is installed. NB: ners should be configured to be installed with petools. --with-vtd=[dir name] specifies directory names where package vtd is installed. NB: ners should be configured to be installed with cfitsio. --with-gvh=[dir name] specifies directory names where package gvh is installed. --with-vex_parser=[dir name] specifies directory names where package vex_parser is installed. --scratch_data=[dir name] specifies scratch directory. Solve will write there temporary files and listings. A fast disk storage (f.e. SSD) of 20-100 Gb is desired. Mandatory argument. --save_data=[dir name] specifies directory where various Solve configuration files reside. During installation Solve checks whether a file with a given name already exists. If exists, it does not update it. Mandatory argument. --gvf_data=[dir name] directory with VLBI databases in GVF format. Mandatory argument. --center_abr=[name] 2-3 letter your scientific center abbreviation. Mandatory argument. --center_name=[name] your scientific center name. Mandatory argument. --ps_viewer=[prog name] name of the PostScript viewer program. The program should accept one argument: file name. --gif_viewer=[prog name] name of the gif image viewer program. The program should accept one argument: file name. --noopt disable optimization. This reduces speed by a factor 2-3, but exposes debugging information. To compile and install run make make install V. Post-installation configuration. ----------------------------------- 1) A priori files with data for vtd. The file with Earth orientation parameters supplied with VTD distribution has a limited validity. You will need to update it regularly. Package VTD has utility to make updates automatically using cron. 2) .Xdefaults In order graphic to work properly, you need to add to your file $HOME/.Xdefaults the following line pgxwin.Win.iconize: True and then add xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xdefaults in your shell startup file (or you have already that line in the start-up file). 3) Environment variables that control graphics In order to run PGPLOT you need to specify several environment variables. Here is an example under tcsh: setenv PGPLOT_DIR "${PREFIX}/bin" # where to find pgplot executables setenv PGPLOT_FONT "${PGPLOT_DIR}/grfont.dat" # where to find fonts setenv PGPLOT_DEV "/XW" # tells that default is to print # the graphics to the screen setenv PGPLOT_XW_MARGIN "1.0" # sets display margins Environment variable DIAGI_PRICOM defines a command for printing postscript files at the preferred printer from DiaGI interface. Example under tcsh: setenv DIAGI_PRICOM "lp -dFine" Environment variable DIAGI_SCREEN overrides a system-wide default screen size. Four screen sizes are supported: vast -- 485x306mm huge -- 395x280mm big -- 330x215mm small -- 290x180mm tiny -- 230x155mm Example under tcsh: setenv DIAGI_SCREEN "huge" Run diagi_demo command to see which size is more comfortable.