DiaGI. Command usage. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° The following keys and mouse buttons are bound to DiaGi commands: Inquire of the coordinate of the point where cursor is pointed; Changes of the boundary of the plotting box nearest to cursor; Terminate execution DiaGI; B Change error bar style for the current function (colour); C Change the current function (colour); E Terminate execution DiaGI and come back to the calling program; I Set up initial plotting parameters; L Change line style for the current function (colour); M Set minimal plotting box to include all points; O Change overplot mode; P Change point style for the current function (colour); Q Terminate execution DiaGI and come back to the calling program; R Redraw the plot; S Save current plot in file; T Change the title of the plot; U Change label of arguments units; V View plotting values for the current function (colour); W Change line width for the current function (colour); X Terminate execution DiaGI and come back to the calling program; Printing the plot; ? Display help information. Enter 1 -- to read DiaGI User guide; 2 -- to read verbose descriptions of DiaGI command; any other symbol -- to return to the plot.