Program GET_APRIORI_EOP retrieves the file with apriori, either
file finals.all from the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) or
IERS C04 from the International Earth Rotation Service using
program wget for automatic files retrieval via ftp. Optionaly,
it downloads the second external EOP file which overwrites the values
defiend in the first exteronal EOP file. Optionally, it finds the
differences between the retrieved EOP series and the EOP series in
erp format used by Solve as the Earth orientation mod-file, finds
parameters of linear regression of the differences in UT1, X pole
coordinates, Y pole coordinates, then (optionally) subtracts parameters
of linear regression from the external EOP series of UT1 and polar
motion. Finally, the subroutine get_apriori_eop re-formats resulting
EOP file to 1) ut1pm.dat and to 2) erp-format for Calc and Solve
for using it as an Earth orientation mod-file.
Program requires a parameter: configuration file.
2 How to use
Usage: get_apriori_eop <configuration_file>
It is convenient to run get_apriori_eop scheduled by cron every night.
3 Configuration file
The configuration file controls the work of get_apriori_eop.
It contains directives which are specific for you Analysis Center
and assumed not to be changed frequently. The name of the
configuration file is passed as an argument to get_apriori_eop.
3.1 Format of configuration file
Configuration file contains records of three type:
1) comments: any line which beginning from ##
2) directives for get_priori_eop: the line which starts from
# and which is not a comment line.
Directive consists of three or more words separated by one or more
Word1 -- symbol # -- directive attribute
Word2 -- keyword
Word3,4... value(s) of the keyword.
Configuration file should contain definition of all keywords and
all variables listed in the next subsection.
Descriptions of directives of get_apriori_eop configuration file.
EXTFMT: Format of the external file.
Comment: USNO_FINALS file contains *two* sort of parameters
grouped in left columns (1:134) and in right columns
(135:185). Get_apriori_eop gets parameters from the left
columns only.
URLEXT: URL of the external file which is to be browsed.
URLEXT2: URL of the second external file which is to be browsed.
The external EOP series may be represented by two files.
The second file overwrites the values defined in the
first. The values defined only in the second file are
kept untouched. THe length of the output file is
determined by the first file. If the EOP should be
represented with only one file, this field should be NONE.
FILEXT: local name of the external file after it is browsed to
the local machine.
FILEXT2: local name of the second external file after it is
browsed to the local machine. If URLEXT2 is NONE, then
FILEXT2 should be NONE as well.
FILERP: File name of the reference erp file. This erp file should
be in erp modfile format.
FILOUT: local name of the output file in erp modfile format.
FILUPM: local name of the output file in binary ut1pm format.
Program Calc, dbedit and apriori can use files in this
WGET_EXE: Filename with path of program wget. Program wget should
be installed before calling get_apriori_eop.
FL_ROT: Flag whether to apply transformation of the external
file. The value is one of TRUE or FALSE.
ROT_FROM: Date of the left boundary of the dates range for which
computation of linear regression is done. The right
boundary is the date of the last observation which has
been reference used for deriving reference EOP series.
Format:, for example 2000.01.29 for
January 29, year 2000.
WEIGHTS: Flag: which weights should be used for computation of
regression coefficients. One of EQUAL or IN are allowed.
EQUAL means that all weighs are 1. IN means that the
weight is 1/DSQRT ( sig_x**2 + sig_r**2 ) where sig_f
stands for formal uncertainty of external EOP and sig_r
stands for formal uncertainty of reference EOP.
3.2 Example of configuration file
## ##
## Configuration file for retrieving USNO finals Earth orientation ##
## parameter series to the Goddard Space Flight Center from the United ##
## States Naval observatory. ##
## ##
## Last update: 01-APR-2005 16:35:06 ##
## ##
# FILEXT: /tmp/usno_finals.fil
# FILEXT2: /tmp/usno_daily.fil
# FILOUT: /data1/save_files/last_usno_final.erp
# FILERP: /data1/save_files/last.erp
# FILUPM: /data1/save_files/ut1pm.dat
# WGET_EXE: /users/pet/bin/wget
# ROT_FROM: 2000.01.01
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