User manual to getpar

Leonid Petrov


Table of contents:

1   Overview

2   Usage

3   Formats description

3.1   .sta -file
3.2   .vel -file
3.3   .sou -file
3.4   .eop -file
3.5   .nut -file
3.6   .crl -file
3.7   .lso -file
3.8   .lst -file
3.9   .bas -file
3.10   .eob -file
3.11   .trp -file
3.12   .erm -file
3.13   .heo -file
3.14   .npv -file
3.15   .hps -file
3.16   .bsp -file
3.17   .rms -file

1   Overview

Program getpar parses a spool file of the listing of Solve solution, extracts information from there, formats it and writes down in the set of output files.

2   Usage

Usage: getpar <spool_file> <prefix> where spool_file is the name of Solve spool file of global solution in either complete or back mode; prefix is the main portion of the output filenames including path. The actual names of the output files are results of concatenation of prefix with extension.

3   Formats description

Each output file has first two lines comments. The comment lines contains character # as the first character in the line. The first comment line, and therefore the first line of the file always holds the name of the format, its version and date of format revision: # GETPAR_XXX format version 1.0 of 2001.05.25 where XXX is (in capital letter) extension of the file, for example, # GETPAR_STA format version 1.0 of 2001.05.25 The second line, so-called header comment, contains the full path name of the spool file. Since the format of getpar output files is the subject of changes it is a good practice to check the format version each time when you parse getpar output files.

3.1   .sta -file

.sta file contains estimates of positions of global stations and the formal uncertainties of these estimates. The list of station positions is sorted in alphabetic order of station names. Stations before and after episodic motions are treated as different stations. Correlations between station positions and velocities are also written. File contains lines of four types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 2) Cartesian components of the vector of station position. The first 8 characters of this line are STA_GCX: Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: STA_GCX: 11-25 A15 -- station name. Station name consist of 8-letters station acronym and 6-letter epoch in format yymmdd. Epoch is attached to the name only if the station had episodic motion. Fields between the last letter of the station name and the first letter of epoch are filled by _. If the station didn't have episodic name then the space after the last letter of the station name is left blank. 28-29 A2 -- component identifier. One of "X:", "Y:" or "Z:" 31-45 F15.2 mm value of X-component of station position. 50-59 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of X-component of station position. 65-79 F15.2 mm value of Y-component of station position. 84-93 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of Y-component of station position. 99-113 F15.2 mm value of Z-component of station position. 118-127 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of Z-component of station position. 139-145 I7 -- the number of observations of this station used in solution. 156-162 I7 -- total number of observations of this station. 174-178 I5 -- the number of sessions with this station used in solution. 189-193 I5 -- total number of sessions of this station. 205-214 A10 -- the date of the first session with this station used in solution. format: (as integer numbers) 226-235 A10 -- the date of the last session with this station used in solution. format: (as integer numbers) 3) Local topocentric components of the vector of station position: Up, East, North. The first 8 characters of this line are STA_GCU: Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: STA_GCU: 11-25 A15 -- station name. Station name consist of 8-letters station acronym and 6-letter epoch in format yymmdd. Epoch is attached to the name only if the station had episodic motion. Fields between the last letter of the station name and the first letter of epoch are filled by _. If the station didn't have episodic name then the space after the last letter of the station name is left blank. 28-29 A2 -- component identifier. One of "U:", "E:" or "N:" 31-45 F15.2 mm value of U-component of station position. 50-59 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of U-component of station position. 65-79 F15.2 mm value of E-component of station position. 84-93 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of E-component of station position. 99-113 F15.2 mm value of N-component of station position. 118-127 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of N-component of station position. 4) Correlations between station positions and velocities. Correlation matrix is defined as the matrix of 6x6 in the upper triangle representation without the main diagonal which. Elements in the columns or rows of the matrix are in the order: X-position, Y-position, Z-position, X-velocity, Y-velocity, Z-velocity. 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: STA_CRL: 11-25 A15 -- station name. Station name consist of 8-letters station acronym and 6-letter epoch in format yymmdd. Epoch is attached to the name only if the station had episodic motion. Fields between the last letter of the station name and the first letter of epoch are filled by _. If the station didn't have episodic name then the space after the last letter of the station name is left blank. 31-36 F6.3 d/l Correlation between X-position and Y-position 38-43 F6.3 d/l Correlation between X-position and Z-position 45-50 F6.3 d/l Correlation between Y-position and Z-position 52-57 F6.3 d/l Correlation between X-position and X-velocity 59-64 F6.3 d/l Correlation between Y-position and X-velocity 66-71 F6.3 d/l Correlation between Z-position and X-velocity 73-78 F6.3 d/l Correlation between X-position and Y-velocity 80-85 F6.3 d/l Correlation between Y-position and Y-velocity 87-92 F6.3 d/l Correlation between Z-position and Y-velocity 94-99 F6.3 d/l Correlation between X-velocity and Y-velocity 101-106 F6.3 d/l Correlation between X-position and Z-velocity 108-113 F6.3 d/l Correlation between Y-position and Z-velocity 115-120 F6.3 d/l Correlation between Z-position and Z-velocity 122-127 F6.3 d/l Correlation between X-velocity and Z-velocity 129-134 F6.3 d/l Correlation between Y-velocity and Z-velocity

3.2   .vel -file

.vel file contains values estimates of velocities of global stations and the formal uncertainties of these estimates. The list of the estimates is sorted in alphabetic order of station names. Stations before and after episodic motions are treated as different stations. Correlations between station positions and velocities are also written. File contains lines of three types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 2) Cartesian components of the vector of station velocity. The first 8 characters of this line are STA_GVX: Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: STA_GVX: 11-18 A8 -- station name. 24-32 F9.2 mm/yr value of X-component of station velocity. 37-44 F8.3 mm/yr formal uncertainty of X-component of station velocity. 50-58 F9.2 mm/yr value of Y-component of station velocity. 63-70 F8.3 mm/yr formal uncertainty of Y-component of station velocity. 76-84 F9.2 mm/yr value of Z-component of station velocity. 89-96 F8.3 mm/yr formal uncertainty of Z-component of station velocity. 3) Local topocentric components of the vector of station velocity: Up, East, North. The first 8 characters of this line are STA_GVU: Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: STA_GVU: 11-18 A8 -- station name. 24-32 F9.2 mm/yr value of U-component of station velocity. 37-44 F8.3 mm/yr formal uncertainty of U-component of station velocity. 50-58 F9.2 mm/yr value of E-component of station velocity. 63-70 F8.3 mm/yr formal uncertainty of E-component of station velocity. 76-84 F9.2 mm/yr value of N-component of station velocity. 89-96 F8.3 mm/yr formal uncertainty of N-component of station velocity.

3.3   .sou -file

.sou file contains estimates of right ascension and declination of global sources, as well as formal their uncertainties and correlations between right ascension and declination of the same source. File contains lines of two types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 2) Estimates. Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: SOU_GCO: 11-18 A8 -- IVS source name. 25-26 I2 hours right ascension. hours part 27-27 A1 -- separator "_" 28-29 I2 min. right ascension. minutes part 30-30 A1 -- separator "_" 31-41 F11.8 sec. right ascension. seconds part 46-55 F10.4 mas formal error of right ascension 62-64 I3 deg. declination. degrees part. 65-65 A1 -- separator "_" 66-67 I2 arcmin declination. arcminutes part. 68-68 A1 -- separator "_" 69-78 F10.7 arcsec declination. arcseconds part. 83-92 F10.4 mas formal uncertainty of declination 99-104 F6.4 d/l correlation between the estimates of right ascension and declination. 116-122 I7 -- the number of observations of this source used in solution. 133-139 I7 -- total number of observations of this source. 151-155 I5 -- the number of sessions of this source used in solution. 166-170 I5 -- total number of sessions with this source. 182-191 A10 -- the date of the first session with this source used in solution. format: (as integer numbers) 203-212 A10 -- the date of the last session with this source used in solution. format: (as integer numbers)

3.4   .eop -file

.eop file contains estimates of X pole coordinate, Y pole coordinate, UT1-TAI angle, UT1 rate and UT1 acceleration as well as their formal uncertainties. Estimates are obtained using all observations of the specific session. .eop file contains also database names and time-tags. File contains lines of two types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 2) Estimates. Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: EOP_LOC: 11-20 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 23-25 I3 -- database version number 34-49 A16 calend EOP time tag in Solve format: YYYY.MM.DD-hh:mm Time scale is not defined. Adjustments are at TDB time scale, a priori EOP are at unknown time scale. 58-63 I6 -- number of observation used for getting these EOP estimates. 69-79 F11.4 mas estimate of X-pole coordinate 84-93 F10.2 muas formal uncertainty of X-pole coordinate 99-109 F11.4 mas estimate of Y-pole coordinate 114-123 F10.2 muas formal uncertainty of Y-pole coordinate 129-139 F11.4 msec estimates of UT1-TAI 144-153 F10.2 musec formal uncertainty of UT1-TAI 159-169 F11.4 mas/day estimates of X pole rate 174-183 F10.2 muas/day formal uncertainties of X pole rate 189-199 F11.4 msec/day estimates of Y pole rate 204-213 F10.2 msec/day formal uncertainties of Y pole rate 219-229 F11.4 msec/day estimates of UT1-TAI rate 234-243 F10.2 musec/day formal uncertainties of UT1-TAI rate 249-259 F11.4 ms/day**2 estimates of UT1-TAI acceleration 264-273 F10.2 ms/day**2 formal uncertainties of UT1-TAI acceleration If the specific parameter was not estimated in this experiment, the field for its value and formal uncertainty is replaced by filler: $$$$$$. The filler takes entire field.

3.5   .nut -file

.nut file contains estimates of daily offset of nutation in longitude and nutation in obliquity as well as their formal uncertainties. .nut file contains also database names and time-tags. File contains lines of two types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 2) Estimates. Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: NUT_LOC: 11-20 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 23-25 I3 -- database version number 37-46 F10.5 years time tag 53-59 I6 -- the number of used observations 64-74 F11.3 mas estimate of nutation in longitude 79-88 F10.1 muas formal uncertainty of nutation in longitude 94-104 F11.3 mas estimate of nutation in obliquity 109-118 F10.1 muas formal uncertainty of nutation in obliquity

3.6   .crl -file

.crl file contains off-diagonal coefficients of correlations between the estimates of EOP at the same experiment. Correlations are ordered in according the order of elements of a symmetric matrix in low-triangular representation without the main diagonal. Order of rows/columns: X_pole, X_pole rate, Y_pole, Y_pole rate, UT1, UT1 rate, Nutation in longitude, Nutation in obliquity File contains lines of two types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 2) Correlations. Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: CRL_LOC: 11-20 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 23-25 I3 -- database version number 29-34 F6.4 d/l correlation between X_pole rate and X_pole 36-41 F6.4 d/l correlation between Y_pole and X_pole 43-48 F6.4 d/l correlation between Y_pole and X_pole rate 50-55 F6.4 d/l correlation between Y_pole rate and X_pole 57-62 F6.4 d/l correlation between Y_pole rate and X_pole rate 64-69 F6.4 d/l correlation between Y_pole rate and Y_pole 71-76 F6.4 d/l correlation between UT1 and X_pole 78-83 F6.4 d/l correlation between UT1 and X_pole rate 85-90 F6.4 d/l correlation between UT1 and Y_pole 92-97 F6.4 d/l correlation between UT1 and Y_pole rate 99-104 F6.4 d/l correlation between UT1 rate and X-pole 106-111 F6.4 d/l correlation between UT1 rate and X-pole rate 113-118 F6.4 d/l correlation between UT1 rate and Y-pole 120-125 F6.4 d/l correlation between UT1 rate and Y-pole rate 127-132 F6.4 d/l correlation between UT1 rate and UT1 134-139 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Psi and X_pole 141-146 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Psi and X_pole rate 148-153 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Psi and Y_pole 155-160 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Psi and Y_pole rate 162-167 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Psi and UT1 169-174 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Psi and UT1 rate 176-181 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Eps and X_pole 183-188 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Eps and X_pole rate 190-195 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Eps and Y_pole 197-202 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Eps and Y_pole rate 204-209 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Eps and UT1 211-216 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Eps and UT1 rate 218-223 F6.4 d/l correlation between Nutation Eps and Nutation Psi

3.7   .lso -file

.lso file file contains estimates of right ascension and declination of local sources, as well as formal their uncertainties and correlations between right ascension and declination of the same source. It contains also the time tag of the estimates of right ascension and declination. File is sorted in order of sessions and in order of appearance of local sources in the session. File contains records of two types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 2) Estimates. Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: SOU_LSO: 11-18 A8 -- IVS source name. 21-30 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 33-35 I3 -- database version number 47-56 F10.5 years time tag: time of the middle epoch of the observing session in Julian years since 0000.01.01_00:00 63-64 I2 hours right ascension. hours part 65-65 A1 -- separator "_" 66-67 I2 min. right ascension. minutes part 68-68 A1 -- separator "_" 69-79 F11.8 sec. right ascension. seconds part 84-93 F10.4 mas formal error of right ascension 100-102 I3 deg. declination. degrees part. 103-103 A1 -- separator "_" 104-105 I2 arcmin declination. arcminutes part. 106-106 A1 -- separator "_" 107-116 F10.7 arcsec declination. arcseconds part. 121-130 F10.4 mas formal uncertainty of declination 138-144 F7.4 -- Correlation between right ascension and declination 151-154 I4 -- Number of used observations of this source 158-161 I4 -- Total number of observations of this source

3.8   .lst -file

.lst file contains estimates of positions of local stations and the formal uncertainties of these estimates. The list of station positions is sorted in the order of sessions and then in the alphabetic order of station names. Total estimates of station positions in crust-fixed XYZ coordinates system and adjustments to the apriori positions in topocentric system are presented. File contains lines of three types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 2) Cartesian components of the vector of station position. The first 8 characters of this line are STA_LCX: Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: STA_LCX: 21-30 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 33-35 I3 -- database version number 47-56 F10.5 years time tag 59-60 A2 -- component identifier: X: 62-76 F15.2 mm value of X-component of station position. 81-90 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of X-component of station position. 93-94 A2 -- component identifier: X: 96-110 F15.2 mm value of Y-component of station position. 115-124 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of Y-component of station position. 127-128 A2 -- component identifier: Z: 130-144 F15.2 mm value of Z-component of station position. 149-158 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of Z-component of station position. 3) Topocentric components of the vector of adjustments to the apriori station position. The first 8 characters of this line are STA_LCU: Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: STA_LCU: 21-30 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 33-35 I3 -- database version number 47-56 F10.5 years time tag 59-60 A2 -- component identifier: U: 62-76 F15.2 mm value of U-component of station position. 81-90 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of U-component of station position. 93-94 A2 -- component identifier: E: 96-110 F15.2 mm value of E-component of station position. 115-124 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of E-component of station position. 127-128 A2 -- component identifier: N: 130-144 F15.2 mm value of N-component of station position. 149-158 F10.3 mm formal uncertainty of N-component of station position.

3.9   .bas -file

.bas file contains series of the estimates of the components of baseline vectors of the stations whose positions were estimated as local parameters as well as formal uncertainties of these these estimates. The list of the estimates of baseline vectors is sorted in the order of sessions and then in the alphabetic order of station names forming a baseline. All three component: baseline length, transversal and and normal components are computed. File contains lines of two types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 2) Cartesian components of the vector of station position. The first 8 characters of this line are BAS_LCL: Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: BAS_LCL: 11-20 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 23-25 I3 -- database version number 35-44 F10.5 years time tag 46-53 A8 -- the name of the first station of the baseline 54-54 A1 -- delimiter: "/" 55-62 A8 -- the name of the second station of the baseline 64-77 F14.2 mm baseline length 78-83 F6.2 mm formal uncertainty of baseline length determination 85-94 F10.2 mm transversal (horizontal) component of baseline vector 96-102 F7.2 mm formal uncertainty of transversal comp. of baseline 104-114 F11.2 mm normal (vertical) component of baseline vector 116-122 F7.2 mm formal uncertainty of normal comp. of baseline vector

3.10   .eob -file

.eob file contains series of the estimates of X pole coordinate, Y pole coordinate, UT1-TAI angle, UT1 rate, daily offsets of nutation angles as well as their formal uncertainties and correlations. Time tag and database name is attached to each line. .EOB format is an extension of the IERS EOP format. File contains lines of three types: 1) Comment. The first character is #. Header comments contain some information about solution. 2) Header. The first two symbols are blank. Header lines contain titles of the columns 3) Estimates. 1 1-1 A1 --- Usage flag 2 3-14 F12.6 days Modified Julian date of the TDT time tag for pole coordinates and UT1 3 16-25 A10 --- Database name 4 27-32 A6 --- IVS session code (if available) 5 34-41 F8.6 arcsec The estimate of X pole coordinate 6 43-50 F8.6 arcsec The estimate of Y pole coordinate 7 52-62 F11.7 sec The UT1-TAI function 8 64-71 F8.3 mas Adjustment of the nutation in longitude angle with respect to IAU 1980 nutation expansion 9 73-80 F8.3 mas Adjustment of the nutation in obliquity angle with respect to IAU 1980 theory 10 82-90 F9.6 asc/day The estimate of X pole rate 11 92-100 F9.6 asc/day The estimate of Y pole rate 12 102-108 F7.4 ms/day The estimate of UT1 rate 13 110-117 F8.6 arcsec Formal uncertainty of X pole coordinate 14 119-126 F8.6 arcsec Formal uncertainty of Y pole coordinate 15 128-136 F9.7 sec Formal uncertainty of UT1-UTC function 16 138-144 F7.3 mas Formal uncertainty of nutation in longitude angle 17 146-152 F7.3 mas Formal uncertainty of nutation in obliquity angle 18 154-162 F9.6 asc/day Formal uncertainty of X pole rate 19 164-172 F9.6 asc/day Formal uncertainty of Y pole rate 20 174-180 F7.4 asc/day Formal uncertainty of UT1 rate 21 182-187 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of X-pole positions and Y-pole position 22 189-194 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of X-pole positions and UT1-TAI angle 23 196-201 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of Y-pole positions and UT1-TAI angle 24 203-208 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of nutation in longitude and nutation in obliquity 25 210-215 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of X-pole positions and UT1 rate 26 217-222 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of Y-pole positions and UT1-TAI date 27 224-229 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of UT1-TAI angle UT1 rate 28 231-235 F5.2 hours Session duration 29 237-243 F7.2 psec Weighted root mean square of postfit residuals 30 245-250 I6 -- Number of used observations in the session 31 252-263 F12.6 days Modified Julian date for nutation at TDT time scale 32 265-328 A64 -- The network configuration line. Consists of two characters IVS station codes listed in alphabetic order for stations that participated in the experiment and supplied the data that have been used in processing this experiment. If the specific parameter was not estimated in this experiment, the field for its value and formal uncertainty is replaced by filler: $$$$$$. The filler takes entire field.

3.11   .trp -file

.trp file contains apriori zenith path delay, adjustments of zenith path delay, totals (apriori+adjustments) and formal uncertainties of adjustments for each session, each station. In the case if zenith apriori path delays were not written into the spool file, then apriori zenith path delays are reported as zeroes. Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: TRP_SEG: 11-20 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 23-25 I3 -- database version number 32-50 A19 -- time tag of the estimates of troposphere path delay in Solve format 32-35 I4 -- year number 37-38 I2 -- month number 40-41 I2 -- day number 43-44 I2 hours hour 46-47 I2 min minutes 49-50 I2 sec seconds 56-63 A8 --- IVS station name 69-82 F14.3 psec apriori troposphere zenith path delay 88-101 F14.3 psec adjustment of troposphere zenith path delay 107-120 F14.3 psec total troposphere zenith path delay 126-139 F14.3 psec formal uncertainty of troposphere path delay

3.12   .erm -file

.erm file contains numerical values of the coefficients of expansion of the perturbation vector of the Earth rotation over the B-spline basis. Document is under preparation.

3.13   .heo -file

.heo file contains numerical values of the harmonic model of Earth's orientation. Refer to document for further details.

3.14   .npv -file

.erm file contains numerical values of the coefficients of expansion of the site position expansion over B-spline and Fourier basis, as well as covariance matrix of its estimates. Document is under preparation.

3.15   .hps -file

.heo file contains numerical values of the harmonic model of site position displacements. Refer to document for further details.

3.16   .bsp -file

.bsp file contains numerical values of the coefficients of expansion of site position evolution over the B-spline basis. Refer to document for further details.

3.17   .rms -file

.rms file contains overall weighted root means square of postfit residuals for all observations and a series of wrms of postfit residual for each individual session. File is ordered in decreasing wrms. File contains lines of three types: 1) Global statistics. Fields 11-17 are Global: Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: RMS_DEL: 11-17 A7 -- record subtype identifier: Global: 22-28 I7 -- Number of observations used in solution 36-45 F10.3 psec overall wrms of postfit delay residuals 50-59 F10.3 psec/sec overall wrms of postfit delay rate residuals. Exception: the line with subtype identifier Global does not have rate, but has chi/ndg in fields 62-71 2) Comment. The first character is #. Header comment contain the full name of the spool file. 3) Local statistics. if ( GETPAR_RMS format version 1.0 of 2001.05.25 ) then Field Format Units Meaning 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: RMS_DEL: 11-20 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 22-28 I7 -- Number of observations used in solution 30:41 I12/F3.1 psec wrms of delay in psec * If WRMS > 10 psec then format is I12, otherwise is F3.1 46:55 I10 fs/s wrms of delay rate. if ( GETPAR_RMS format version 2.0 of 2003.08.12 ) then 1-8 A8 -- record type identifier: RMS_DEL: 11-20 A10 -- database name with leading dollar sign 22-28 I7 -- Number of observations used in solution 30:41 F12.3 psec wrms of delay. 47:58 I12 fs/s wrms of delay rate.

Questions and comments about this guide should be sent to:

Leonid Petrov ( )

Last update: 2003.08.12