Msnoop User's Guide

K. Baver


Table of contents:

1   Overview

2   Batch mode

3   Interactive Mode

4   The main menu

4.1   Setting of output file attributes
4.2   Msnoop control commands
4.3   Miscellaneous commands

5   The spoolfile selection menu

5.1   Commands to select or list spool files
5.2   Msnoop control commands

6   The spool file catalog menu

7   Output file formats

1   Overview

Msnoop extracts and compares position and velocity information from the spool files of two Solve batch solutions. A position and a velocity output file are produced. Msnoop provides both a batch mode, which takes instructions from run string arguments without further input from the user, and an interactive mode in which the user enters all input from menus. Msnoop may also be run in a help mode by typing msnoop -h (which lists the run arguments and their descriptions) OR msnoop -ha (which just lists the run arguments)

2   Batch mode

Msnoop may be run in batch mode by typing: msnoop <spool_specification_option> <spool1> <spool2> <output_prefix> <suffix> <comment> where: <spool_specification_option> is one of -s or -ss for Solution archiving system (solarch) lookup of spoolfile names -f or -ff for specification of the spoolfile's actual file name. -sf or -fs allows mixed specification (solarch name, then file name (-sf) or file name, then solarch name (-fs)) <spool1> and <spool2> are the spoolfiles to be compared. Their specifications must have one of the following formats: a) solarch identifier: <user_id> <solution_id> <version_number> assigned according to the standard solution archiving rules (e.g., cm 1122g 1) b) the UNIX file name or full file path of the spoolfile. The name may have a maximum of 72 characters. The formats must correspond to the formats requested by <spool_specification_option> (e.g., solarch id then file name if -sf is requested) <output_prefix> is prepended to the default output file names and <suffix> is appended. So the output files will be <output_prefix>msn_pos_<suffix> (position output file) and <output_prefix>msn_vel_<suffix> (velocity output file) (e.g., /tmp/msn_pos_job12 for output_prefix = /tmp/ and suffix = job12 OR /tmp/job12_msn_pos__ for output_prefix = /tmp/job12_ and suffix = _ suffix may have a maximum of 5 characters. Both output_prefix and suffix are required. <comment> is an optional string of one or more words, each separated by a blank. The comment may have a maximum total length of 78 characters. (Any excess will be truncated.) In batch mode, Msnoop's error messages are sent to standard error. So error output can be redirected to a file by appending >& <error_filename> to the msnoop run string.

3   Interactive Mode

Msnoop is run interactively by typing msnoop without any arguments. The interactive mode involves two major menus: 1) the main menu 2) the spoolfile selection menu The main menu lets the user set general attributes of the Msnoop session, such as the output file suffix. The spoolfile selection menu selects the two input spoolfiles and lists available spoolfiles. Msnoop initially displays the main menu, then lets the user proceed to the spoolfile selection menu by typing s ("select spoolfiles"). Once the user has set the session attributes and selected two input files, the Msnoop comparison is started by typing r ("run the comparison"). A third, minor menu may be accessed from the spoolfile selection menu. This is the spool file catalog menu, which lists available spool files and allows the selection of one. This menu is accessed by typing the letter l ("list available spool files"). Useful output can be generated using a few basic steps: 1. Use main menu page command 2 to select an output directory. Append a slash (/), (e.g., /tmp/). 2. Use main menu page command 3 to select an output file identifier, <msnoop_file_id>, to be appended to all output files. 3. Type s to go to the spool file selection menu. 4. Type c or n to identify the first spoolfile and follow the instructions. 5. Type s to initiate selection of the second spoolfile. 6. Type c or n to identify the second spoolfile and follow the instructions. 7. Type r to start the comparison. 8. Look for output files <output_directory>/msn_pos_<msnoop_file_id> and <output_directory>/msn_vel_<msnoop_file_id>.

4   The main menu

The main menu commands fall in three categories: Setting of output file attributes Msnoop control commands Miscellaneous commands

4.1   Setting of output file attributes

The following commands set output file attributes: 1 - output comments 2 - output file prefix ("output path") 3 - output file suffix ("output file id") 1, 2 and 3 change the defaults used for the output comments, output file prefix and output file suffix. The names of the position and velocity comparison output files are formed by attaching the prefix and suffix to base file names msn_pos_ and msn_vel_ to form <output_file_prefix>msn_pos_<output_file_suffix> and <output_file_prefix>msn_vel_<output_file_suffix> (e.g., /tmp/msn_pos_job12 or /tmp/job12_msn_pos_) Two comments are placed near the top of both the position and velocity comparison output files to describe each of the input spoolfiles, on the line below the line identifying the input spoolfile paths. These comments may be used to describe the purpose or origin of each spoolfile to help clarify the purpose of the spoolfile comparison. For example, a useful comment might be "solution 1000c: high frequency eop turned off". Choosing 1 solicits a comment for each input spoolfile in turn. command affects maximum input default value length in characters ------- ---------------------- ----------------- --------------- 1 comments placed in 78 both are blank output files 2 output file prefix 78 /tmp/ 3 output file suffix 5 left blank

4.2   Msnoop control commands

The following commands control Msnoop processing and are self-explanatory: s - moves to the spoolfile selection menu t - terminates Msnoop r - starts to Run the comparison. (This requires the user to have already selected two input spool files through the spool file selection menu.)

4.3   Miscellaneous commands

The main menu contains one final command: 4 - suppresses episodic or continuous piecewise linear output Typing 4 asks a series of questions that let the user specify a single site whose output information will be suppressed in the output files PROVIDED the site was treated as episodic or continuous piecewise linear in the input solutions. Ordinary sites are unaffected by this command. Also the information for an episodic or continuous piecewise linear site's initial epoch is not suppressed. The user may also disable the suppression of any site. The default is suppression of HRAS 085's output.

5   The spoolfile selection menu

This menu selects the input spool files. The commands fall into two categories: Commands to list and select spool files (n,c,l,s) Msnoop control commands (r,t,d) Initially the menu is set up to select the first input spool file using the selection commands, n, c and the letter l. Typing s sets up the menu to select the second spool file, again using n, c and the letter l. The full path to each selected spool file is printed at the top of the menu. Once both files are selected, typing r runs the solution and typing d ("done") returns to the main menu. At any time, t terminates Msnoop.

5.1   Commands to select or list spool files

The following commands list or select input spool files or aid in selection: n - selects a spool file specified by its full path c - selects a spool file specified by its solution archiving identifiers l - displays a menu that lists available spool files and lets the user select one s - tells Msnoop that the next spool file specified should be the second of the input pair. Typing n solicits a full UNIX path to a spool file. Typing c solicits a solution archiving system identifier consisting of owner initials, a solution tag and a version number (e.g., CM 1122 2 for version 2 of Chopo Ma's 1122 solution). The three identifier fields must be left-justified under the user, tag and version field headers, xx, ######## and nnn. For a Gsnoop version connected to a solution archiving system, the letter l enters the spool file catalog menu, which lists available spool files and information about them and lets the user select one as input. See the "Spool file catalog menu" section for more details. Upon entering or re-entering the spool file selection menu, n, c and l select the first input spool file. After s is selected, n, c and l select the second spool file.

5.2   Msnoop control commands

The following self-explanatory commands control Msnoop processing from the spool file selection menu. t - Terminates Msnoop r - Runs the comparison. d - moves to the main menu once spool file selection is Done

6   The spool file catalog menu

The following menu is only available in Gsnoop versions that are connected to a solution archiving system. The spool file catalog menu is accessed from the spool file selection menu by typing letter l (the "list available spool files" command). The spool file catalog menu lists available spool files, 14 at a time. # changes this number, and n (next page), p (previous page) and b (beginning page) move through the list. / searches for a specific solution by looking for a pattern in a solution archiving identifier or comment. F lists the comment and full path to a spool file identified by its position in the list ("spool file number"). S selects a spool file by list position, then returns to the spool file selection menu. R returns to the spool file selection menu without taking any action, and t terminates Msnoop.

7   Output file formats

This section describes the contents and format of Msnoop's two output files, msn_pos_<msnoop_file_id> and msn_vel_<msnoop_file_id>, where <msnoop_file_id> is the output id selected by main menu command 3. msn_pos_<msnoop_file_id> overview: comparison of XYZ and UEN position totals from the input spool files general file structure: top of file - comments, headings and input file information site output - one block of output per site. Each block is followed by a blank line. The sites' blocks are arranged alphabetically. bottom of file - list of stations in each spool file which had no matching site in the other spool file contents and format top of file (first 12 lines) line 1 - standard program comment lines 3 and 6 - full paths to input spool files 1 and 2 lines 4 and 7 - user comment about the input spool file on the line above the comment lines 9-11 - data column headings other lines - blank site blocks: site identifier line A8 (CDP site name), 1X, A4 (CDP monument number), 1X, A6 (epoch of episodic estimation (yymmdd) or 000000) three site X/Y/Z lines 1X, A8 (CDP site name), 1X, A4 (CDP monument number), 1X, A1 (component: X, Y or Z), 1X,4(2X,F7.1) for current component (X, Y or Z) site 1's geocentric position total, then a-sigma (mm) site 2's geocentric position total, then a-sigma (mm) Note: the totals are truncated to the hundreds column, e.g., -3530219322.39 ---> -322.39 2X,F7.1, difference of site 1 and 2's geocentric position totals (mm) 2X,F7.1, rss of geocentric position a-sigmas of sites 1 and 2 (mm) 2X,F7.1 (difference of site 1 and 2's geocentric position totals) /(rss of geocentric position a-sigmas of sites 1 and 2) blank line three site U/E/N lines 1X, A8 (CDP site name), 1X, A4 (CDP monument number), 1X, A1 (component: U, E or N), 1X,4(2X,F7.1) for current component (U, E or N) site 1's topocentric position total, then a-sigma (mm) site 2's topocentric position total, then a-sigma (mm) 2X,F7.1 difference of site 1 and 2's topocentric position totals (mm) 2X,F7.1 rss of topocentric position a-sigmas of sites 1 and 2 (mm) 2X,F7.1 (difference of site 1 and 2's topocentric position totals) / (rss of topocentric position a-sigmas of sites 1 and 2) blank line two placeholder lines of the form: 1X, A8 (CDP site name), 1X, A4 (CDP monument number), 1X, A1 (component: H or A), disclaimer_message These lines correspond to lines in the velocity output file, but the velocity values have no analogous position values. Therefore a disclaimer notes that these lines are not applicable to the position parameters. The lines could be eliminated, but they are included to provide the same structure in the position and velocity output files. blank line msn_vel_<msnoop_file_id> overview: comparison of XYZ and UEN velocity totals from the input spool files This file is analogous to the position output file, msn_pos_<msnoop_file_id>, except that it has two additional lines of information (marked with symbols H and A in field 3). general file structure: top of file - comments, headings and input file information site output - one block of output per site. Each block is followed by a blank line. The sites' blocks are arranged alphabetically. bottom of file - list of stations in each spool file which had no matching site in the other spool file contents and format top of file (first 12 lines) line 1 - standard program comment lines 3 and 6 - full paths to the input spool files lines 4 and 7 - user comment about the input spool file on the line above the comment lines 9-11 - data column headings other lines - blank site blocks: site identifier line A8 (CDP site name), 1X, A4 (CDP monument number), 1X, A6 (epoch of episodic estimation (yymmdd) or 000000) three site X/Y/Z lines 1X, A8 (CDP site name), 1X, A4 (CDP monument number), 1X, A1 (component: X, Y or Z), 1X,4(2X,F7.1) for current component (X, Y or Z) site 1's geocentric velocity total, then a-sigma site 2's geocentric velocity total, then a-sigma All four units are mm/yr. 2X,F7.1, difference of site 1 and 2's geocentric velocity totals (mm/yr) 2X,F7.1, rss of geocentric velocity a-sigmas of sites 1 and 2 (mm/yr) 2X,F7.1 (difference of site 1 and 2's geocentric velocity totals) /(rss of geocentric velocity a-sigmas of sites 1 and 2) blank line three site U/E/N lines 1X, A8 (CDP site name), 1X, A4 (CDP monument number), 1X, A1 (component: U, E or N), 1X,4(2X,F7.1) for current component (U, E or N) site 1's topocentric velocity total, then a-sigma site 2's topocentric velocity total, then a-sigma All four units are mm/yr. 2X,F7.1 difference of site 1 and 2's topocentric velocity totals (mm/yr) 2X,F7.1 rss of topocentric velocity a-sigmas of sites 1 and 2 (mm/yr) 2X,F7.1 (difference of site 1 and 2's topocentric velocity totals) /(rss of topocentric velocity a-sigmas of sites 1 and 2) blank line two site lines reporting the total horizontal vector and sigma (i.e., the horizontal component of the total velocity vector at the site). 1X, A8 (CDP site name), 1X, A4 (CDP monument number), 1X, A1 (component: H = "value" (i.e., velocity) of the total horizontal vector or A = azimuth of the total horizontal vector), 1X, 2X,F7.1, velocity/azimuth of the total horizontal vector at site 1, (mm/yr) 2X,F7.1 sigma of site 1's total horizontal vector's velocity/azimuth, 2X,F7.1, velocity/azimuth of the total horizontal vector at site 2, (mm/yr) 2X,F7.1 sigma of site 2's total horizontal vector's velocity/azimuth, 2X,F7.1 difference of site 1 and 2's total horizontal vector velocities/azimuths (mm/yr), 2X,F7.1 rss of the sigmas of site 1 and 2's total horizontal vector velocities/azimuths, 2X,F7.1 the difference of site 1 and 2's total horizontal vector velocities/azimuths DIVIDED BY the rss of the sigmas of site 1 and 2's total horizontal vector velocities/azimuths blank line

Questions and comments about this guide should be directed to:

Karen Baver (

Last update: 2001.10.15