Leonid Petrov
Ploser is the program for making plots of time series of adjustments
of station positions and/or source coordinates obtained in a batch
Solve solution.
Table of contents:
- 1 Overview
- 2 Usage
- 3 History
1 Overview
Program ploser is for making plots of time series of the estimates
of station positions and/or sources coordinates obtained in a Solve
solution. It utilizes the output of the program getpar which in turn
parses a huge spool file generated by Solve. User is able to select
one of the plot types:
1) Positions of the selected station in XYZ crust fixed system. Units
are mm. The differences with respect to the first point of the
time series are plotted. A user subsequently lists three plots for
X, Y and Z coordinate.
2) Positions of the selected station in topocentric UEN system (up, east,
north). Units are mm. The differences with respect to the first point
of the time series are plotted. A user subsequently lists three plots
for U, E and N coordinate.
3) Coordinates of the selected source. Units are mas for both right
ascension and declination. The differences with respect to the first
point of the time series are plotted. A user subsequently lists two
plots for right ascension and declination.
Ploser has a graphic interface. User is able to select the plot type,
the station or source by clicking the box by mouse. Plots are made by
using the DiaGI interface.
2 Usage
It is assumed that the user first made a batch Solve solution and
estimated positions of some stations and/or sources as local parameters.
Then the user ran program getpar which parsed the spool file and
generated a set of the output files. Ploser reads and parses these
Usage: ploser <solution_file>
where solution file is the name of one of the getpar output files.
Ploser discards the extension of the specified solution file and
builds the names of station position evolution file and source
position evolution files by appending extensions .lst and .lso to
the solution file after discarding the original extension. One of
the files of source positions evolution or station positions
evolution may be empty.
ploser /tmp/lt12a.lso
ploser /scratch_dirt/glb1204.bas
After successful reading solution files, the program prints a box-menu
and requests a user to select the plot type. To select the item the user
may use either a key code, 1, 2, 3 or 4 or may position the cursor on the
box and hit either the left or the central mouse button. The right mouse
button always means to go back to the previous menu or to quit the
program if the current menu is the top one.
After selection the plot type user is requested to select the object,
station or source, in a subsequent box-menu. To select the item the user
may use either the key code, 1, 2, 3 or 4 or may position the cursor on
the plot and then hit either left or central mouse button. The right
mouse button always mean to go back to the previous menu. If the number
of objects is large they are put in several pages. In this case the menu
will have either the bottom thick black line or the top thick black line.
Positioning the cursor upper than the top line or lower than the bottom
line and clicking the left or central mouse button will cause switching
to the next or the previous page respectively.
To select the object, station or source, a user should position the
cursor on the box with the object name and then click the central mouse
The plot of station position evolution or source coordinate evolution
will be shown upon selection the object. To learn how to change the
plot, to print it, to insert it in an article etc., refer to
documentation for DiaGI. After leaving the plot (hitting right mouse
button or hitting X or Q) the next plot will be shown. After leaving the
last plot for this object the previous menu for object selection will be
In addition to plots, ploser generates the file /tmp/ploser.sum .
This summary file contains the name of station and sources, the number
of sessions in which their positions were adjusted as local parameters,
time interval and the time span in years between the first adjustment
and the last adjustment for each station and source.
3 History
L. Petrov 1998.08.19 First version.
L. Petrov 2001.01.19 Improved interface. Updated documentation.
Integrated into Calc/Solve package.
Questions and comments about this document should be sent to:
Leonid Petrov ( )
Last update: 2001.01.19