Pwxcb User's Guide Last update: 2006.02.10 Program Pwxcb creates cable and weather calibration files for input into VLBI data bases by program Dbcal. It extracts the cable and weather data from Mark3/4/5 antenna log files, VLBA log files, and a few other types of files. It makes screen plots of this data and allows editing or modifying the data by an analyst. It also performs some automatic editing and determines the cable sign, when possible. It will generate hard copy plots of the data, and will save the data into cable and weather calibration files. It will also create or update a Dbcal control file. Pwxcb has been revised from earlier versions. Some of the previous data input modes were no longer necessary and were removed. The following are the currently allowed calling sequences: pwxcb => Regular Mark3/4/5 log processing. Pwxcb will ask for the log file name. pwxcb => Regular Mark3/4/5 log processing. pwxcb -l => Regular Mark3/4/5 log processing. Pwxcb will ask for the log file name. pwxcb -l => Regular Mark3/4/5 log processing. pwxcb -l -r => Regular Mark3/4/5 log processing for cable, Rinex met files for weather (Westford case). pwxcb -l -s => Regular Mark3/4/5 log processing for cable, Suominet met file for weather (Westford case). pwxcb -v => VLBA station processing (RDV case). Pwxcb will ask for the VLBA monitor log file name. pwxcb -v => VLBA station processing (RDV case). pwxcb -p => Replot and optionally edit existing cable and/or weather files created during a previous pwxcb run. Pwxcb will ask for the cable and weather files names, Suominet weather files for Westford can be obtained from Click on 'Database Interface'. Select 'SA01'. Fill in the date range desired. Select P, T, RH. Clock on 'Submit' Plots will appear. Clock on 'Show data for this Site and Time' Clock on 'Click Here to see the Data' Under File, select 'Save As' and give file output file name. The sensor is some distance from the Westford antenna. At the recommendation of Arthur Niell, 3.2 mbars is added to the pressure to account for the height difference. Rinex weather files for Westford can be obtained via anonymous ftp either from, directories gps/gpsdata/YYDDD/YYm; or from, directories dist/cignet/dDDDa_YY (where DDD is the day-of-year and YY is the last two digits of the year). The Westford met file will have a name of the form wes2DDD0.YYm.Z. Each file covers a 24 hour day, so you usually need two files. Data editing or other allowed manipulation can be done on the fly during interactive plotting. Just type 'Y' or 'y' to the question 'EDIT/MODIFY ...'. Editing is unchanged from earlier versions. With the cursor in the plotting window, hitting 'S' will identify the nearest point, 'D' will delete the nearest point, 'M' will allow the user to type in a new value for the nearest point, and '/' will exit the edit mode. A new option, 'R', allows modifying all cable or weather data at one time. The cable cal option is to multiply or divide all values by an input constant. The weather manipulation options include a) replace all temperatures and/or humidities with an input constant; b) convert from Fahrenheight to Centrigrade; c) convert dewpoint into humidity; d) multiply all pressures by an input constant; e) truncate all humidities above 100% to 100%; and e) swap the humidity and pressure values. Pwxcb will automatically create cable and weather files, as well as the Dbcal control file. When loading the program, the default directory path should be entered into the ../include/param.i file (variable PATH_PWXCB). File names in the default directory will be of the form 'scodexx.cb', 'scodexx.wx', and 'scodexx.dbcal'; where 'scode' is the session code and 'xx' is the standard two character station identifier. The first time it is run for a session, Pwxcb will ask for the database name and a short history entry, for the Dbcal control file. 2005.03.18 Update: You can now change the default directory for the location of the cable, weather, and Dbcal control files by setting the environment variable 'PATH_PWXCB'. For example setenv PATH_PWXCB /data31/wxcb would cause all the output files to be written in the /data31/wxcb directory. If it is not defined, then the program will use the directory sepecified in the param.i file, as before. 2005.06.23 Update: The onscreen plotting has been updated to use PGPLOT. It can now be used on Linux machines. 2005.10.03 Update: You can now use Suominet weather files for Westford. David Gordon GSFC Analysis Center 301-614-6107