User guide to batch Solve
Karen D. Baver
Wang Guangli
Leonid Petrov
This user's guide explains the use of the batch subsystem of Solve, the
Mark IV VLBI Analysis System. It assumes that the reader is familiar with
VLBI analysis using Solve's interactive subsystem. Readers should also be
familiar with the technique of multigroup LSQ (or arc parameter elimination).
Table of contents:
- 1 Overview
- 1.1 Types of solutions
- 1.2 Modes of solutions
- 1.3 Combined Global Matrix (CGM)
- 1.4 Arc files
- 2 Instructions for operating BATCH
- 2.1 Preparations for the BATCH Run
- 2.2 Setting up the BATCH control file
- 2.3 Setting up data
- 3 Running BATCH
- 3.1 Starting a run
- 3.2 Monitoring a run
- 3.3 Killing runs
- 3.4 Cleaning up after aborted runs
- 3.5 Restarting runs
- 4 BATCH'S output
- 4.1 Spool file
- 4.2 Warnings
- 4.3 Output Section
- 4.4 Global parameter output
- 4.5 Local parameter output
- 4.6 Appended files and CGM summary
- 4.7 Progress file
- 4.8 Sarfil
- 4.9 Earth orientation plot file
- 4.10 Covariance file
- 4.11 Correlations file
- 5 Acknowledgments
- 6 References
- 7 Appendix
- 7.1 BATCH's file directories
1 Overview
Interactive Solve performs analysis of an individual session. The main
purpose of batch Solve (referred thereafter to as BATCH) is to perform VLBI
analysis of more than one session. The data are divided into sessions (referred
also to as databases, or arcs), and processed sequentially. A session is
typically 24 hours of data from a coordinated network of stations. Interactive
Solve is used for quality control, ambiguity resolution, editing and setting
specific parameterization. BATCH is used for getting final results. It uses
control files for detailed specification of the solution. BATCH takes care to
set exactly the same a priori, calibration and contributions for all sessions
which participate in the solution. BATCH performs its analysis using weighted
multigroup LSQ (arc parameter elimination). It guarantees that all sessions of
the solution are treated exactly the same way: the same a priori, calibration,
contributions applied and the same style of parameterization. BATCH uses
a built-in set of partials derivatives, calibrations, contributions supplied
by CALC but it supports also a so-called user-mode which allow the use of
specific user-written programs for computation non-standard partials,
contributions and equations of constraints. This feature makes Solve a powerful
tool for scientific researches.
1.1 Types of solutions
BATCH supports five solution types, INDEPENDENT, COMPLETE, FORWARD, BACK,
SUPPRESSION, which fall into two solution categories: independent and global.
BATCH processes a series of sessions independently -- that is, the estimated
parameters in one session are adjusted independently from parameters of another
session if the INDEPENDENT solution type was requested. The results for a given
session are identical to the results of running Solve interactively.
BATCH combines information from multiple sessions to estimate parameters when
the solution of global category is requested. The parameters are divided into
two classes: local (arc) and global. Local parameters are those which are
adjusted using the observations of only one session. Each session has its own
set of local parameters. Global parameters are those which are adjusted using
all observations in all sessions. Some parameters can be either local or global
in the same solution, depending on the purpose of the run.
BATCH produces the solutions in two steps. The first or forward step performs
matrix decomposition. The second or back step a) inverts the global parameters'
matrix and b) uses it to estimate the global parameters, c) then it makes
a backward substitution and compute for each session the local parameters as
well as their formal uncertainties. This step also produces the solution
residual statistics.
The straitforward way of making global solutions is to perform consequtevely
both steps. BATCH does it if solution type COMPLETE is requested. It is
recommended way of making global solutions.
However, BATCH allows to specify one of incomplete global solutions types:
FORWARD, GLOBAL_ONLY, BACK or SUPPRESSION. Solve provides tools for
manipulations with incomplete solutions.
If the FORWARD solution type was requested then BATCH stops after completion
of decomposition.
If the GLOBAL_ONLY solution type was requested then BATCH stops after
inversion of CGM, obtaining global parameters, their covariance matrix and
formal uncertainties, computation some statistics.
If SUPPRESSION solution type was requested then BATCH removes suppressed
global parameters from a global parameter matrix. It is assumed that FORWARD
run has been already done.
If BACK solution type was requested then BATCH inverts combined normal matrix
of global parameters obtained and saved earler when user made the forward step.
Then BATCH performs the back step of the global solution.
However, making global solution by several BATCH runs is a dangerous operation
and should be done with great care. Making the global solution in two steps
has sence when the control file in back and/or suppression runs differ from the
control file for making forward runs. In one cases it is legitimite, in another
cases not. The user should clearly understand what he/she is doing since there
is a risk of getting wrong results.
BATCH distinguishes between regular (permanent) and test (temporary) forward
and complete solutions. BATCH writes these solutions' global parameter matrices
to directories and catalogs which are, stable for regular solutions and
frequently cleared for temporary solutions. The ID keyword in the BATCH control
file's $SETUP section determines whether a solution is a test or regular
solution. The user can specify filename with path or without path if he/she
need to keep the CGM. If a user is not going to keep the CGM then he/she can
omit the name of the output CGM in the BATCH control file. Solve will generate
the filename itself and write the output CGM on disk after processing the last
experiment. The name of the directory is
a) if ID has the first 4 letters "test" then
if an environment variable CGM_DIR is specified then
c) CGM_DIR variable is defined in ../include/gsfcb.i
1.2 Modes of solutions
Independent and global solutions may use slightly different algorithms for
solving LSQ problems. The keyword FAST_MODE controls which algorithm is to be
The INDEPENDENT solution may use the fast B3D algorithm (preferable) if
the user specified FAST_MODE B3D and it will use the slow algorithm if the user
specified FAST_MODE NONE in his/her control file.
COMPLETE, FORWARD, GLOBAL_ONLY and BACK solution will use the fast B1B3D
algorithm (preferable) if the user specified FAST_MODE B1B3D and it will use
the slow B1D algorithm if the user specified FAST_MODE NONE.
Fast algorithms process the solution 2-20 times faster. Fast and non-fast
algorithms are equivalent but results are slightly different due to the
influence of rounding errors which are not the same in both algorithms.
In addition, the user can select TRAIN on NO TRAIN mode by specifying
TRAIN YES or TRAIN NO (preferable) in the $SETUP section of the control
BATCH calls a chain ("train") of executables when it is used in TRAIN mode.
It has to read/write an intermediary CGM and other files extremely intensively.
NB: TRAIN YES becomes an obsolete feature and may not be supported in the
All work is done by a single executable if BATCH is called in TRAIN NO
mode. The user should specify the expected number of global parameters and an
increment step in this mode. BATCH allocates dynamic memory at the beginning
of the run in NO TRAIN mode which is computed on the basis of the expected
number of global parameters which is unknown at the very beginning. If the
actual number of global parameters would exceed that number then BATCH increases
the number of expected parameters by the specified increment step and increases
amount of allocated memory. The recommended value of the increment step is 128.
1.3 Combined Global Matrix (CGM)
The forward step performs matrix decomposition and saves accumulated
information which the back steps later uses to estimate parameters. To allow
multiple back steps to use the information, BATCH stores it in files called
combined global matrix (CGM). The combined global matrix (CGM) is an
intermediary result of matrix decomposition. It stores the information needed
to estimate the global parameters and their covariances.
Forward steps always produce a CGM, either from the current solution alone
or by incorporating an input CGM as well. BATCH writes the intermediary CGM
after processing each N session in the file $WORK_DIR/CGMFxx and in principle
lets the user use the partially completed CGM to estimate parameters from the
information collected so far and to resume the solution from that point
if it was interrupted (this trick is not recommended for ordinary runs).
The frequency of writing CGM is determined by the the user in a control file
in the keyword SAVING_RATE. The size of the CGM may be tens of megabytes and
frequent writing may slow down overall performance considerably. It is
recommend that SAVING_RATE be set large value, e.g., 100, unless there are
specific reasons to use a smaller value.
Back solutions always require an input CGM. (A complete solution's back step
automatically uses the CGM just produced by its forward step.)
The following table summarizes the five solution types' usage of
Solution Type Input CGM Output CGM
COMPLETE optional (1) optional (2)
FORWARD optional (1) optional
GLOBAL_ONLY optional (1) optional (2)
BACK yes no
SUPPRESSION yes yes (3)
(1) - if used, the output CGM contains the input CGM plus information
from the solution. Otherwise, the output CGM is based entirely
on the solution.
(2) - BATCH completes the output CGM by the end of the forward step
and uses it for the back step.
(3) - the output CGM is the input CGM minus suppressed global
1.4 Arc files
BATCH saves some matrices for each session whch are produced during matrix
decomposition when it prformes a global solution. These matrices are used
in the back stop. BATCH may write or not to write them in so called arc files
in the forward step. BATCH looks for the arc file in back step. If it finds an
arc file related to the processed sessions it uses them, otherwise it repeates
computations whcoh have been done in forward step and creates them anew. When
a back step uses arc files, it purges them, unless it is told to save arc files.
Saving arc files reduces execution time substantially, but the system should
have enough space to accommodate them. Arc files are named [####xx, where xx
are the Solve user initials of the analyst who runs Solve, and #### gives the
session's position in that solution's list of sessions. Without any indication
of which arc file contains which session, a back solution assumes that the arc
files it needs are labeled with its initials and numbered in the order the
sessions appeared in the solution. So the user must run every back solution
he/she intends to run from one forward solution before running a new forward
solution. Otherwise, the new solution will overwrite his/her arc files in
a new order, and the remaining back solutions will access the wrong arcs.
On the other hand, a COMPLETE solution's back step automatically runs before
any new forward step is run with its initials, so a complete solution's back
step can safely use the arc files produced by its forward step. If the forward
step fails to make the full set of arc files (for example, because it
ran out of space), its back step automatically generates the
missing information.
Suppression and independent solutions do not deal with arc files. Suppression
solutions do not deal with sessions, and independent solutions process the
sessions independently, so they do not need to save information related to the
specific experiments.
2 Instructions for operating BATCH
2.1 Preparations for the BATCH Run
BATCH gets its instructions from a control file. This file tells BATCH what
data to use, what parameters to estimate and so on. Each solution requires a
new control file tailored to that solution, and it is the user's responsibility
to create it. See the description of BATOPT language for details. The control
file should be written carefully. It is strongly recommended that all keywords
be specified and that obsolete keywords or defaults not to be used. In practice
the control file is rarely written anew: a user usually has several his/her
favorite "master files" used as a template. He/she copies a master file to a
new file thhen edits it.
Solve's interactive mode can get its data from databases and superfiles,
but BATCH only uses superfiles.
2.2 Setting up the BATCH control file
Control files are divided into several sections, each determining how BATCH
handles a different aspect of the solution (the data used, parameters
estimated, etc.).
At times this part of the user's guide gives examples. These examples are
only intended to illustrate syntax. Readers should not interpret them as
recommendations for setting up their control files.
2.3 Setting up data
BATCH gets its data from "superfiles". Superfile is a name of a VLBI data
format, which differs from a database format. Superfile doesn't have all the
information kept in databases but only a subset needed for Solve. Each
superfile has the same experiment name and version number as the session
to which it corresponds. Superfiles are created from sessions by running
program liptn.
The list of all available superfiles is in the file $SAVE_DIR/SUPCAT .
To make superfiles, the user must run liptn to generate them from
the corresponding sessions. Refer to the liptn documentation for details.
The user does not have to worry about where liptn puts the superfiles.
liptn records their locations in the superfile catalog, and BATCH looks them
up automatically.
3 Running BATCH
3.1 Starting a run
To start BATCH execute the command
solve <solve_initials> [<control_file>] [verbosity_level]
[processor_index] [number_of_processors]
<solve_initials> - two initials (XX) identifying the run and its files
(SPLFXX on SPOOL_DIR, PRGFXX on Solve_WORK_DIR, etc.). Solve initials
identifies temporary files which belong to different "solve users".
NB: A user may have more than one solve_initials. The set of solve initials
which Solve recognizes is defined in the file $SAVE_DIR/letok .
<control_file> - the file name containing the instructions for the BATCH run.
File name after expansion should not have more than 128 characters.
The third argument can take values:
"verbose" -- (Default) Solve prints some information messages.
"silent" -- Solve doesn't prints information messages.
"silent-autorestart" -- The same as "verbose". If restart of
the interrupted solution is possible,
it will be done automatically without
dialogue with a user.
"silent-autorestart" -- The same as "silent". If restart of
the interrupted solution is possible,
it will be done automatically without
dialogue with a user.
"verbose-norestart" -- The same as "verbose". Solution
will start a new regardless, whether
restart is possible or not.
"silent-norestart" -- The same as "solent". Solution
will start a new regardless, whether
restart is possible or not.
The fourth and fifth optional arguments enable a rudinmental
multi-processor support: Solce decimates the exeprimetn list and
processes only a prt of experiments.
[processor_index] -- index of the processor used for the batch
Solve run in the independent mode. Should be
in the range [0, number_of_processors].
if set, Solve processes not all sessions in
the list but only one out of N, where N is
[number_of_processors]: mod(i,N), where "i" is
the session index.
[number_of_processors] -- The total number of processors which
Solve knows of.
3.2 Monitoring a run
Since Solve run may take long time it is impossible to resist a temptation
to learn what is going on. Program SMON is used for monitoring the global run.
Usage: SMON <solve_initials> <work_dir> [<interval_update>]
<solve_initials> is the two character of the Solve user initials.
<work_dir> -- full path to the directory where solve scratch
file are located ($WORK_DIR)
[<interval_update>] -- optional argument. Specifies time
interval in seconds for updating screen
output. Default is 1 second.
Example of the output:
picasso /disk4/vlbi/petrov/tests/job59
PT Solve: FORW 2(4) $88NOV09X <14> started (F) 0:02:50
picasso -- hostname where Solve is running.
/disk4/.. -- full name of the control file being executed.
PT -- Solve initials.
FORW -- program name which now is being executed.
2 -- index of the session in the arc-list which is being
(4) -- total number of the sessions to be analyzed.
$88NOV09X -- session name which is now being processed.
<14> -- version number of the session which is now being
started -- status of the processing: one of
(F) -- mode:
(F) -- forward run in fast mode;
(B) -- backward run in fast mode;
(I) -- independent run in fast mode;
(f) -- forward run in non-fast mode;
(b) -- backward run in non-fast mode;
(i) -- independent run in non-fast mode;
0:02:50 -- amount of time elapsed since the last status update. A large
amount of time may indicate that Solve is not active now because
it terminated.
(Comment: the first line may not shown in the beginning of the batch run
before parsing control file)
Another way to peek at the progress of the solution is to look at the
progress file. BATCH records its progress in the progress file, PRGFXX on
$WORK_DIR. Each time BATCH completes processing a session it writes a line
identifying the experiment name. By typing
the user can dump the last few sessions processed to find out how far he/she
has gotten. However, in a complete solution, each sessions is processed twice,
once in each step, so the user must actually edit the progress file to check
BATCH's progress.
3.3 Killing runs
Sometimes a user will want to start his/her run over or make some correction,
then resume where he/she left off (recover). In each case, he/she must kill
the enter program and any programs it called.
Sometimes these programs can be killed cleanly, with one command. UNIX
considers the programs part of a single job. Users who run UNIX under the
C or Korn shells can see which jobs they are running by typing jobs. This
displays three pieces of information per job: the number of the job, its status
and the run string which generated the job. For example, typing jobs might
[1] -running enter kb gkb004
[2] +stopped enter kd gkb005
To kill a job, the user should type
kill -9 %n
ps -fu <login_id>
tells the user which programs he/she is currently executing. (Login-id is the
user name used to log onto the UNIX computer.) If the user is running two or
more BATCH runs, he/she will be running multiple copies of enter and so forth.
In this case, he/she must pay special attention to ps to determine which copies
to kill. He/she can identify the right copies by looking for the two characters
that identify his/her run.
For example, typing
ps -fu kdb
might give the following output:
kdb 15559 13690 6 18:46:49 ttys5 0:00 ps -fu kdb
kdb 13690 13689 1 17:04:40 ttys5 0:01 -csh [csh]
kdb 15513 13690 0 18:45:18 ttys5 0:00 enter KB gkb004
kdb 15518 13690 0 18:45:25 ttys5 0:00 enter KD gkb005
kdb 15514 15513 0 18:45:18 ttys5 0:00 /mk3/bin/BATCH 0 4 0 0 KB
kdb 15519 15518 0 18:45:25 ttys5 0:00 /mk3/bin/BATCH 0 4 0 0 KD
kdb 15515 15514 0 18:45:18 ttys5 0:00 /mk3/bin/GTSUP 0 6 0 0 KB
In this example, the user is running two BATCH runs, one with initials KB
(line 3) and one with initials KD (line 4). Suppose he/she wants to kill the
KB run. Looking at the last column, the COMMAND column, and comparing the
programs mentioned there to the above list of BATCH programs, there are five
BATCH programs running -- two copies of enter, two of BATCH and one of GTSUP.
Three of these belong to the KB run--the programs on lines 3, 5 and 7. These
three must be killed in order to kill off the run.
To kill a program, the user should type
kill -9 <PID>
where PID is the number in column 2, the PID column. This should not be
confused with column 3, the ppid number. In the above example, typing
kill -9 15515 kills GTSUP. One problem with killing the run program by program
is that if the programs are killed in the wrong order, the unkilled programs
may keep calling new programs, which in turn must be killed. Users should kill
BATCH first, then the programs other than enter or enter, then enter. Even so,
users should do a final ps afterwards to make sure every program has been
Some programs may be impossible to kill with the kill command. These are
called defunct programs. They can only be killed by rebooting the computer.
This particular problem is still being studied, but in the meantime the user
can ignore the program.
3.4 Cleaning up after aborted runs
Usually, when a background BATCH run aborts, it kills all of its programs.
However, sometimes the run may not be able to clean up, due to uncontrollable
events, such as system problems. (For example, sometimes runs have aborted
because too many other runs were running.) So, when a background run aborts,
the user should run ps -fu as a precaution, and use the kill command to kill
any leftover programs.
3.5 Restarting runs
Once the user cleans up his/her killed/aborted run, he/she can resume
processing where he/she stopped (recover), restart from the beginning or
abandon the solution entirely. If the run aborted, the user can check his/her
progress and error files (PRGFXX and ERRFXX on $WORK_DIR) to find out where
and why.
To restart BATCH, either for recovering or starting over, the user should
retype his/her enter run string. If recovering is not possible then Solve
starts solution anew. If recovering is possible then Solve asks the user
whether he/she wants to recover.
Restarting is possible if
1) the user specifies the same control file as was in use in the interrupted
2) the solution has not been completed,
3) BATCH saved the intermediary data at least once (i.e BATCH in forward step
processed more sessions then the number specified SAVING_RATE or BATCH
processed at least one session in backward mode),
4) the length of the control file (and arc-file if used) didn't change.
If all four conditions are true then Solve asks whether the user wants to
recover, start over or cancel this attempt to run BATCH.
If at least one condition 1-3 is false Solve starts a new solution from the
beginning without warning. If only condition 4 was violated then BATCH warns
the user that recovering is not possible and asks a confirmation to start
a solution anew.
Occasionally, when the user tries to restart, BATCH may claim that the run's
initials are still in use. This indicates that killing/cleaning up the
previous run failed to close the lock file (LOCKXX, on $WORK_DIR, where XX are
the run's initials.) Runs open their lock files with exclusive access, to
prevent the running of multiple runs with the same initials. The user should
make sure that every program from the previous run is dead. If so, then the user
should run unlock, to release his/her run's lockfile. Program Unlock is located
on $SOLVE_DIR directory.
4 BATCH'S output
BATCH runs produce different combinations of output, depending on how the
user sets up his/her BATCH control file. The main output of Solve is a spool
file. The spool file for the global solution may have up to one million lines,
so it is unlikely that somebody could print and read it. Finally, BATCH
produces four additional files for further analysis: the progress file,
the sarfil, the earth orientation plot file and the covariance or correlations
4.1 Spool file
The spool file is SPLFXX on $SPOOL_DIR, where XX are the two characters which
identify the run. The spool file collects statistics, estimates and other
information about the solution's global and local parameters. In addition,
back, complete and suppression solutions append the solution's BATCH control
file and progress file to the spool file, to gather a complete record of the
run in one place.
BATCH produces a lot of information for each experiment. This amount is
manageable for interactive solutions, which handle single sessions and were
the original motivation for creating the spool file. However, many BATCH
solutions include several thousands sessions, and their spool files are too
large to be easily read. Several programs -- getpar, snoop, gsnoop and msnoop
-- have been developed to extract selected information from spool files.
A discussion of these programs is beyond the scope of this guide. Look at
documentation about getpar and gsnoop.
The spool file consists of the following sections and subsections:
1. Warnings
2. Output section
a. Global parameter output
b. Local parameters output
(These two types of output are produced in various combinations, as
explained below)
3. Appended files and CGM summary
a. Copy of the run's BATCH control file
b. Copy of the run's progress file
c. CGM summary (list of names of the input CGM files)
4.2 Warnings
The first section of the spool file receives a warning message for every
experiment which had bad temperature, pressure or relative humidity data,
for which standard values had to be substituted or some other problems were
4.3 Output Section
BATCH produces the global and local parameters output in various
combinations, depending on the solution type and the FORWARD keyword in the
BATCH control file's $OUTPUT section. Complete and back solutions produce the
output for the global parameters and then the output for the local parameters.
The $OUTPUT section's FORWARD keyword determines what output BATCH produces in
a forward solution or a complete solution's forward step. Independent solutions
just produce output for local parameters, since independent solutions do not
work with global parameters. Suppression solutions do not work with sessions,
so they do not produce parameter output.
4.4 Global parameter output
ADJST output
Global station parameters:
for each station:
XYZ and UEN position and velocity
component information
Velocity vector information
Error ellipsoid information
Station table
Global source parameters
Remaining global parameters
BASFE output
Baseline component information:
vector magnitude, length, transverse and
vertical, and sigmas
Rates of change of components:
same information
First BATCH's ADJST program produces information for any stations with
globally estimated station parameters. ADJST loops over the stations,
producing all of a station's information at once.
For each station, ADJST first prints a line for each of its XYZ and UEN
position and velocity components. Each line contains the appropriate total,
estimate, unscaled sigma and scaled sigma.
Next ADJST combines the station's velocity components to print information
about various velocity vectors and sigmas. First ADJST prints totals for the
velocity vector (as azimuth and elevation), the horizontal vector (as azimuth)
and the horizontal vector's sigma. Then ADJST prints the corresponding
Next ADJST prints the station's error ellipsoid information: the azimuth,
elevation and sigma for the error ellipsoid axis and the horizontal error
ellipse axis.
Next, if the user has specified MINIMUM NO in his/her control file's $OUTPUT
section, ADJST prints the correlations between the station's X, Y and Z
position and velocity components. ADJST prints the correlations for every pair
of these components.
Finally, if the user has specified STATION_TABLE YES in the $OUTPUT section,
ADJST prints a table projecting the station's X, Y and Z position components
at the beginning of each year from 1979 to 1992. The table takes two forms,
depending on what the user specified for the $OUTPUT section's MINIMUM keyword.
MINIMUM YES prints one line per year, giving that year's projected X, Y and Z
position totals and unscaled sigmas. MINIMUM NO prints four lines per year.
The first line gives the six projected correlations between the X, Y and Z
positions, and between each component's position and velocity. The remaining
lines give each component's projected position total, estimate, unscaled
sigma and scaled sigma.
ADJST then produces totals, estimates and sigmas for any remaining global
parameters, such as source coordinates. Each parameter's information is much
the same as the information printed in Solve's interactive mode.
Finally, BATCH's BASFE program produces its part of the global output, if the
BATCH control file's $OUTPUT section specifies BASELINES YES. BASFE produces
up to two sets of information -- information about the baseline components and
information about their rates of change. BASFE produces the component
information if the user estimates at least one station position globally. BASFE
produces the rate of change information if the user also estimates
station velocities.
If BASFE prints one of these types of information, it prints it for every
pair of stations in the solution, even if no observations were actually made
along that baseline. For each baseline and type of information (component or
rate of change), BASFE prints the baseline vector's length, transverse and
vertical components, the vector's magnitude, and each value's sigma. The sigmas
are scaled by the combined weighted RMS delays and rates. BASFE orders the
baselines based on the order of the stations' appearances in the solution.
4.5 Local parameter output
CRES output
Elevation cut offs
General statistics
Baseline statistics
Source statistics
ADJST output
Flyby files
local parameter totals, estimates, sigmas
Error ellipsoids
BASFE output
Baseline component information
Information for rates of change of components
BATCH's CRES program first lists the calibrations added to the theoreticals.
CRES only produces the list if the BATCH control file's $OUTPUT section
specifies MINIMUM NO. Next CRES lists any elevation cut offs used in the
session. Then CRES lists the general statistics over observations of the
experiment. These include the number of observations used in the solution
and the solution's fit. Finally, if MINIMUM NO is specified, CRES produces
statistics for the local baselines and sources.
ADJST first lists any flyby mapping files it used in the solution. These are
the files selected through the BATCH control file's $MAPPING section. Then
ADJST produces estimates and unscaled and scaled sigmas for all of the local
parameters of the individual session. ADJST also produces totals, constraint
statistics and error ellipsoids for some of these parameters. ADJST also
produces correlations between the earth orientation and nutation parameters,
but only if MINIMUM NO is specified, and only for certain earth
orientation parameterization styles.
Finally, if the BATCH control file specifies BASELINES YES, BASFE produces
information about the local baselines. For every baseline containing at least
one station whose positions are local parameters, BASFE produces that
baseline's length, transverse and vertical components, the magnitude of the
baseline vector and these values' sigmas.
4.6 Appended files and CGM summary
After the output section, BATCH appends several files:
1) Episodic motion control file,
2) Piece-wise station position file,
3) High-frequency eop control file,
4) Pressure loading control file,
5) Station position mod file,
6) Station velocity mod file,
7) Source position mod file,
8) Earth Orientation mod file,
9) Axis Offset mod file,
10) Program versions list,
11) solution's control file,
12) progress file with which is described below,
13) CGM summary (list of names of the input CGMs)
Files 1-9 are appended if a) they were used; b) MINIMUM NO was specified in
the $OUTPUT section of the control file.
4.7 Progress file
The progress file is PRGFXX on $WORK_DIR, where XX are the two characters
which identify the run. This file serves two purposes. First, BATCH writes
a line to it each time it finishes processing a session, unless the user is
running a suppression solution, which processes CGMs, not sessions.
The session by session output lets the user check his/her progress file
during the run to estimate when the run will finish. The output also makes
it easy to identify experiments where fatal errors occur. Each line states
how long it took BATCH to process the experiment and the time BATCH finished.
At the end of the solution, BATCH also writes some overall solution statistics
to the progress file, if the solution is a suppression, complete or back
solution. Specifically, BATCH writes the fit statistics, the number of local
(arc) and total parameters per session, and summaries of the baseline
and source statistics, each for the entire solution.
TEST BY_SITE indp 000515.232717
1 $79AUG03XX 25 ARC TIME: 0: 0: 6 cond# = .666E+07 000515.232821
2 $80APR11XQ 46 ARC TIME: 0: 0: 6 cond# = .706E+07 000515.232827
The last column contains tie of termination of session processing in UTC
timescale. The previous column contains condition number of the matrix of
local parameters of the session. (Condition number is zero when the session
is processed in non-fast mode in global solition, since no information
is collected). ARC_TIME means the physocal time elapsed for processing that
NB: Qualifier FAST_DBG TIME in the $SETUP section provides rather
more detailed information about CPU and elapsed time taken by different parts
of Solve for processing each session.
4.8 Sarfil
The sarfil (SARFXX on $WORK_DIR) collects part of the spool file in a form that
ARG, the automatic report generator, can use. However, ARG and the sarfil are
gradually being replaced by report programs such as getpar, snoop and gsnoop,
which pull data directly from the spool file. currently (2000.05.16) Sarfil
is used by BATCH to produce overall statistics of the global run. Sarfil has
binary format.
4.9 Earth orientation plot file
The earth orientation plot file, EOPLXX on $WORK_DIR, collects the Earth
orientation estimates and sigmas, approximately once per hour, for later
plotting. (The user currently has to generate his/her own plotting control
file.) The UT1/PM keyword in the BATCH control file's $FLAGS section tells
BATCH whether or not to generate this file.
4.10 Covariance file
The covariance file, CVRFxx on $WORK_DIR, collects matrices of covariance data.
The COVARIANCES keyword in the BATCH control file's $OUTPUT section tells BATCH
whether or not to generate this file.
NB: COVARIANCES is considered an obsolete and unsupported feature.
4.11 Correlations file
The correlations file, CRLFXX on $WORK_DIR, collects correlations coefficients
between the estimates of the parameters that were specified. The CORRELATIONS
keyword in the BATCH control file's $OUTPUT section tells BATCH which
correlations are to be computed and printed.
# Center: BON ( Bonn Geodetic VLBI group )
# Analyst: Leonid Petrov ( )
# Machine: picasso 9000/712 HP-UX B.10.20
# Executables: ./
# Solve initials: PE
# Solution ID: test_job1 (test of correlations)
# Control file: /disk4/vlbi/petrov/tests/job1
# Local time: 1999.10.11-10:07:05
# Type: GLO_GLO Correlations
* This line is comment.
# Type: GLO_LOC Correlations
# Database: $99MAR15XH <5>
# Start_date: 2451253.08330000 1999.03.15-13:59:57.120
# Stop_date: 2451254.08120000 1999.03.16-13:56:55.679
1 389 "FORTLEZA X COMPONENT" "X WOBBLE 09903151400" -0.117249278
1 390 "FORTLEZA X COMPONENT" "Y WOBBLE 09903151400" -0.080747136
2 389 "FORTLEZA Y COMPONENT" "X WOBBLE 09903151400" -0.136677586
2 390 "FORTLEZA Y COMPONENT" "Y WOBBLE 09903151400" 0.061179534
Output file consists of a) header -- lines which start from #;
b) comments -- lines which start from *; c) body. The body has records of fixed
length. Fields:
1-5 -- index of the first parameter of the pair,
7-11 -- index of the second parameter of the pair,
15-34 -- name of the first parameter of the pair,
39-58 -- name of the second parameter of the pair,
61-73 -- correlation coefficient. Format: F12.9 .
(Of course, correlation cannot be obtained with precision better than
0.001, but more digits may appear useful for diagnostic purposes.)
Output file name is CORLxx where xx are Solve user initials and it is
located in SOLVE scratch directory. The file is purged at the start of BATCH.
New correlations are appended to the end of the file in order of their
5 Acknowledgments
The authors acknowledge assistance from Ed Esfandiari, Mark Hayes, Ed Himwich,
Clara Kuehn, Chopo Ma and Jim Ryan, all of whom are employed by or under
contract to the Goddard Space Flight Center's Crustal Dynamics Project.
6 References
1) C. Ma et. al., Measurement of Horizontal Motions in Alaska Using
Very Long Baseline Interferometry, Journal of Geophysical Research
95, 21991-22011, 1990.
2) L. Petrov "Multigroup LSQ and its generalization" (1997) Unpublished.
3) Solve on line documentation.
7 Appendix
File directories are the key to tailoring BATCH to a specific
installation, and BATCH's system manager must be familiar with the
details of BATCH's file structure. Users do not need to be as familiar,
but will find some familiarity helpful. Because BATCH's file directories
will probably differ among installations and are subject to change, this
guide refers to BATCH's directories by uppercase names, listed in the
following table. These names are the Fortran parameters BATCH uses to
identify the directories. So readers can find out their installation's
current directories by referring to the Solve parameter include file,
7.1 BATCH's file directories
1. SUP_CAT_DIR = path to the superfile catalog.
2. SUP_FILE_DIR = directory where Solve's liptn mode creates superfiles.
Subject to frequent change.
3. CGM_CAT_DIR = path to the regular CGM catalog.
4. CGM_DIR = directory where BATCH creates
regular CGMs. BATCH expects the full path to
input CGMs, which consequently can be kept on
any directory.
Environment variable CGM_DIR supersedes this variable.
5. SCRATCH_DIR = directory where BATCH creates test CGMs.
Also the directory where the test CGM catalog
is kept. Frequently cleared.
6. SOLVE_PROG_DIR = directory where Solve programs, such as
enter and liptn, are kept. If the user tries
running one of these programs by typing just
the program name, and he/she gets a "not found"
message, the user should try typing the program
name preceded by this directory.,
Environment variable SOLVE_DIR supersedes this variable.
7. SOLVE_WORK_DIR = directory where the work files needed
for a BATCH run are kept. For example, if the
user is running under the XX initials, his/her
error messages will go to ERRFXX on this
Environment variable WORK_DIR supersedes this variable.
8. SPOOL_DIR = directory where BATCH writes spool files.
Environment variable SPOOL_DIR supersedes this variable.
9. SOLVE_SAVE_DIR = directory where various special Solve files are kept.
Some useful ones are:
DBLIST - list of sessions whose last
versions should be made into
BATOPT - a shorter, mainly syntactical
user's guide to setting up a BATCH
control file.
SOLMOD - a file used to substitute test
versions for standard Solve programs.
Environment variable SAVE_DIR supersedes this variable.
Questions and comments about this guide should be sent to:
Leonid Petrov ( )
Last update: 2001.12.13