User manual to solve_patch

Leonid Petrov


Table of contents:

1   Overview

2   Usage

3   Requirement

4   Restrictions

1   Overview

Utility solve_patch is for applying fixes of small bugs in to current version of Mark-4 VLBI Analysis system Calc/Solve. Calc/Solve is a software for scientific applications and it is constantly developing. Major revisions called "Calc/Solve release" are posted 3-6 times per year. Fixes of critical minor bugs and improvements are posted by Calc/Solve maintainers between releases. solve_patch utility provides the opportunity to apply these fixes without installation of the latest release. Each patch consist of several files: command file which contains statements in patch-language and one or more files with source code which is to be updated. solve_patch retrieves the command file and then interprets it. Each statement consists of a keyword and its operand. solve_patch recognizes the following commands: CD: change current directory. The new current directory is specified by the operand. COMMENT: no action. DATE: compares the date presented in the operand with date saved in file $MK4_ROOT/bin/REVISION_DATE . If the date presented in operand is older or the same as saved in the file then error condition is set up. Dates are in solve format: END: complete execution. It should be the last command. GET: retrieve the file specified in the operand using ftp. It is assumed that the file is in public area no password is needed. Retrieved file is put in /tmp/ directory. MAKE: execute command make without arguments. RMO: remove all object files and object library in current directory. UNZIP: uncompress using zip file presented in the operand. Command name is case insensitive, but operand is case sensitive. In a result, source code is updated, either new files are added to the directory(ies) or the new version of source files replaces the old one, and some executables are re-compiled and re-linked.

2   Usage

${MK4_ROOT}/support/solve_patch.csh <URL_with_patchfile> where <URL_with_patchfile> is the network address (URL) of the patch file which contains patch commands.

3   Requirement

1) Solve with release date not early than 2000.11.01 2) Program wget should be installed. Refer to for source code and installation instruction if you don't have this product installed. 3) Program unzip

4   Restrictions

Patches becomes obsolete with time. All patches with patch-date older then release date are considered as obsolete and solve_patch will refuse to apply them. Patches are posted in strict order. They should be applied in this order: first the oldest patch, then patches with younger dates. If the order of applying patches is changed results will be unpredictable!

Questions and comments about this document should be sent to:

Leonid Petrov ( )

Last update: 2000.10.11