Program SPOOL_BITE is for extraction of a small portion from Solve spool file. Since Solve spool files are very large, they may have more than a million lines, a set of tools is necessary for working with such kind of files. SPOOL_BITE is one of the tools. It "bites" the file and returns a portion. Usage: spool_bite spool_file (-d | -glo | -bas | -ove | -sou ) [-o ] where spool_file -- is the name of the spool file which Solve generated. Then one of the option should follow: -d -- extract the portion of spool file with listing for this database. Database name should be in the same syntax as it appears in arc-file. -glo -- section of the spool file with the estimates of global parameters will be extracted and written to the output file. -bas -- section of the spool file with baseline statistics will be extracted and written into the output file. -ove -- section of the spool file with overall statistics will be extracted and written into the output file. -sou -- section of the spool file with source statistics will be extracted and written into the output file. -o -- sets the name of the output file. If the output_file is omitted then SPOOL_BITE write its output in /tmp/out.spl . It the output filename is '-' then correlations are written in standard output device (screen). NB: you can specify only one option.