A guide for using user defined constraint feature of the VLBI Analysis
software system Calc/Solve
software system Calc/Solve

Leonid Petrov


Table of contents:

1   Overview

2   Restrictions

3   Example of user constraint program

1   Overview

User program for imposing constraints should create equations of constraints, right-hand side of constraints (usually zero), reciprocal weights of constraints and off-diagonal terms of constraints (may be zero). User constraint program is called in the contest of Solve process. It should read some Solve variable and write equations of constraints in the special format which is understood by Solve. Of course, in a principle, a user is in a position to write in this file directly, although it is assumed that a user uses exactly the same subroutines for defining and applying constraints as for Solve built-in constraints. First executable statement of a user program is PRE_PROG(), the last executable statement is END_PROG() Usually at the beginning a user program need to read Solve scratch files: CALL USE_GLBFIL ( 'OR' ) CALL USE_GLBFIL_2 ( 'R' ) CALL USE_GLBFIL_4 ( 'RC' ) CALL USE_PARFIL ( 'ORC' ) ! Reading prfil.i CALL USE_COMMON ( 'ORC' ) ! Reading socom.i CALL SOCOM_EXT Constraints are put in the object of derived type CNSTROBJ. Type definition is defined in include file cnstr.i A user is supposed to do the following operations under the object CNSTROBJ: 1) Initialization. This routine is called only once at the beginning. Routine INIT_CNS ( $MK4_ROOT/progs/solve/proc/add_cns.f ) 2) Define the name of the constraint, units, right-hand side of the constraint equation, flag local/global. This routine is called for each new constraint equation. Routine ADDCNS_NAM ( $MK4_ROOT/progs/solve/proc/add_cns.f ) 3) Set flag that this constraint is a user-defined. It is done in order to distinguish user-defied constraints from built-in constraint and prevent traps of internal control. This routine is called for each new constraint equation. Routine SET_USER_CNS ( $MK4_ROOT/progs/solve/proc/add_cns.f ) 4) Insert the coefficient of constraint equation. This routine is called for each non-zero element of constraint equation. Routine ADDCNS_EQU ( $MK4_ROOT/progs/solve/proc/add_cns.f ) 5) Write down constants of CNSTROBJ in disk. Routine for that is called at after all constraints are defined. Routine WRITE_CNSTR ( $MK4_ROOT/progs/solve/proc/io_cnstr.f ) User constraints can be imposed on both global and local parameters. Argument CNI_MODE of WRITE_CNSTR specifies on which mode constraints are to be imposed: CNI__UGL for global parameters and CNI__ULC for local parameters.

2   Restrictions

1. A user should avoid using abbreviations of Solve built-in constraints unless he or she wants to interfere Solve built-in constraints and really understands what he or she is doing. 2. Name of units of user constraint equations are used directly by procedure write_sinex without transformation. Therefore, if a user intends to write listings of his solution in Sinex format, he should use internal units which Solve uses for the estimated parameters.

3   Example of user constraint program

An example can be find in $MK4_ROOT/example/user_cons_example.f $MK4_ROOT/example/user_cons_example.mak For compiling and linking execute a command: make -f $MK4_ROOT/example/user_cons_example.mak

Questions and comments about this guide should be sent to:

Leonid Petrov ( pet@leo.gsfc.nasa.gov )

Last update: 2002.10.04