The number of sources that were observed bedfore only at X-band: 50
X-band positions of these sources.
dual-band SOAP-E1 positions of these sources.
Median position uncertaibty prior SOAP-E1 with accouting for systemaic errors: 2.1 mas
Median position uncertaibty after SOAP-E1 with accouting for systemaic errors: 0.6 mas
Position uncertainties from prior LCS observations
(blue points) and
SOAP-E1 observations (green points)
after accounting for systematic errors:
The number of observed target sources: 214
The number of targett sources to be reobserved: 7
The number of target sources with 3 or more detections at X-band: 183
The number of target sources with 3 or more detections at S-band: 164
The number of sources suitable for follow-up observations: 137