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Re: LCS-2 proposal. The first draft.

Hi Leonid,

I just downloaded the .pdf from your webpage at ~ 10 UT on Sat 13th...

Overall if looks pretty good. A few basic comments:


Proposer list:

Add Tasso (Anastasios) and I as "Available for observations"

Allocated time: I probable would change 72 hours to 48 hrs. v271 has only had 2 epochs officially...

Scientific Justification:

1 Summary:

Xband -> 8.6 GHz

3 Why calibrators are needed

"Although the main purpose of the proposed experiments is community service, these obser-
vations will also address long-term scientiïc goals of proposers for creation of a homogeneous
ïux limited sample of compact sources. The sample will allow to investigating various statis-

I really did not follow this. You should certainly as a little more about what sort of statistics your are going to investigate. The fragment " these obser-
vations will also address long-term scientiïc goals of proposers for creation of a homogeneous
ïux limited sample of compact sources." Is poor grammar. I would suggest an alternative, but I am not really sure what is meant.

4 Why new observations are needed

"Observations at VLBA [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] helped us to create a dens pool of calibrators at the
zone that VLBA can monitor, > 40deg"

=> " Observations *using the* VLBA [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] *have* helped ** create a *dense* pool of calibrators "in* the *region* that VLBA can monitor, > -40deg"

Table 1. It is not clear to me how the Northern calibrator list can have less sources but higher probability of finding a close by calibrator.

5 Proposer observations

Are you really suggesting dual pol for all telescopes? I suspect Tid cannot do this, though Hobart and Parkes should be OK.


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