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Re: The second version of the LCS-2010 proposal

Dear Tasso,

> The same comments will also apply to ASKAP antennas... and to the new AuScope
> antennas... all 12m. 

  In my view, ASKAP is a different story. I do not think we should write
it in the proposal, but I would suggest ASKAP to join LCS observations
when it will be equipped with an X-band receiver. LCS observations will
allow to determine ASKAP-29 position with 1-5 cm level of accuracy -- much
better than that we did with L-band observations. WARK12M and other AuScope 
antennas are going to observe under IVS programs at S/X anyway, so they 
do not need additional observations for coordinate determination.

> In the cover sheet of the proposal we mention 512 Mbps data rates (8 x 16 MHz),
> which we can achieve with a combination of Mk5 and LBA systems. In the proposal 1
> Gbps is mentioned... currently this can only be achieved by LBADR as 4 x 64 MHz...
> and in the Mk5s as 16 x 16 MHz?
> These could be possibly done in DiFX2.0 but it'll complicate things a lot...
> Can we make sure that we clarify exactly what we want??

  I shorted it in accordance with Chris comment who suggested that the TAC
may not need all details. We will try whichever is feasible for achieving
the maximum sensitivity. The proposal cover sheet generation tool is not
flexible enough to accommodate that we have now. Currently HOBART26, 
and PARKES record 16 x 16 MHz, with Mark5. HARTRAO will do the same.
Tid records 8 x 16 MHz single pol. MOPRA and ATCA record 8 x 16 MHz dual pol. 
In v271f PARKES recorded both Mark-5B single pol 16 x 16 MHz and LBADR 
dual pol 8 x 16 MHz. Ceduna recorded 4 x 16 MHz single pol . Recenlty I 
learned that Ceduna may record 2x64 MHz single pol. If I understand correctly 
and if we can spread two IFs at 256MHz, we can try Ceduna to record at 
2x64 MHz single pol, and other LBADR stations at 2x64 MHz dual-pol. But, 
yes we need to run a fringe test and check whether the correlator can 
process this setup. Chris suggested to comprise this lengthy paragraph 
with a short "We would like to explore hybrid Mark5/LBADR recording 
to improve sensitivity".

  A better idea how to write it?

12-DEC-2010 18:58:14

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