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Re: The second version of the LCS-2010 proposal

Yes for the recorder setup I think the exact setup is something we discuss out of the proposal. Basically Tasso, Phil, Cormac Reynolds and I have to decide home much bother extra complication setups are worth. I don't think the TAC needs to know nor really cares. But the proposal needs to be worded so that is is clear we know what we are doing.

I hope to get this proposal read before the end of day. I have a pile I am working through.


Chris Phillips
CSIRO ATNF     eVLBI project scientist
Office: (+61) (0)2 93724608      Mobile: (+61) (0)439487601

On 13/12/2010, at 10:59 AM, Leonid Petrov wrote:

> Dear Tasso,
>> The same comments will also apply to ASKAP antennas... and to the new AuScope
>> antennas... all 12m. 
>  In my view, ASKAP is a different story. I do not think we should write
> it in the proposal, but I would suggest ASKAP to join LCS observations
> when it will be equipped with an X-band receiver. LCS observations will
> allow to determine ASKAP-29 position with 1-5 cm level of accuracy -- much
> better than that we did with L-band observations. WARK12M and other AuScope 
> antennas are going to observe under IVS programs at S/X anyway, so they 
> do not need additional observations for coordinate determination.
>> In the cover sheet of the proposal we mention 512 Mbps data rates (8 x 16 MHz),
>> which we can achieve with a combination of Mk5 and LBA systems. In the proposal 1
>> Gbps is mentioned... currently this can only be achieved by LBADR as 4 x 64 MHz...
>> and in the Mk5s as 16 x 16 MHz?
>> These could be possibly done in DiFX2.0 but it'll complicate things a lot...
>> Can we make sure that we clarify exactly what we want??
>  I shorted it in accordance with Chris comment who suggested that the TAC
> may not need all details. We will try whichever is feasible for achieving
> the maximum sensitivity. The proposal cover sheet generation tool is not
> flexible enough to accommodate that we have now. Currently HOBART26, 
> and PARKES record 16 x 16 MHz, with Mark5. HARTRAO will do the same.
> Tid records 8 x 16 MHz single pol. MOPRA and ATCA record 8 x 16 MHz dual pol. 
> In v271f PARKES recorded both Mark-5B single pol 16 x 16 MHz and LBADR 
> dual pol 8 x 16 MHz. Ceduna recorded 4 x 16 MHz single pol . Recenlty I 
> learned that Ceduna may record 2x64 MHz single pol. If I understand correctly 
> and if we can spread two IFs at 256MHz, we can try Ceduna to record at 
> 2x64 MHz single pol, and other LBADR stations at 2x64 MHz dual-pol. But, 
> yes we need to run a fringe test and check whether the correlator can 
> process this setup. Chris suggested to comprise this lengthy paragraph 
> with a short "We would like to explore hybrid Mark5/LBADR recording 
> to improve sensitivity".
>  A better idea how to write it?
> Leonid
> 12-DEC-2010 18:58:14

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