Leonid Petrov's discussion page
This page is designated for putting here links on graphic or large files
used in discussion with colleagues and friends.
- Preview of VLBI/Gaia Data Release 2 differences
- Ssa ocean tide phase
- Results of the first geodetic VLBI experiment with SARDINIA station
- SEJONG and ISHIOKA in geodetic VLBI experiment r1775
- Results of the first geodetic VLBI experiment with IRBENE32 station
- Preview of VLBI/Gaia Data Release 1 differences
- On systematic saw-like phase
fluctuations at YEBES40M in 2015.
- Astroclimate for some East Asia sites.
- Memo: On using multiple phase calibration tones
- On average mass loading
- First VLBI experiment with RAEGYEB
- Abnormal ATCA fringe phase and fringe amplitude
in LBA experiment v493a
- Discussion about mass loading using OMCT model
- Phase calibration data in VLBA experiment
- Phase delay solution of geodetic VLBI experiments
at baseline HART15M/HARTRAO
- VLBI solution for estimation of
harmonic variations in the Earth's rotation heo_22c
- Major components of air tides
- Baseline length repeatbilities of
some baselines with VERA stations.
- ATCA observations of 1219-309
- V2M maps before and after PIMA upgrade 2012.10.01
- In depth analysis of R1542 VLBI experiments on 2012.07.16.
- System temperatures in KVN experiment k11352b
- Fringe plots with CEDUNA station in VLBI experiment v441a
- Issues in Np/Nv outputs from the GEOS-5.7 model
- In depth analysis of EUROxxx VLBI experiments in 2011.
- Comment on source finding
using images of separate polarizations.
Response on paper Middelberg, E., Deller, A., Morgan, J.,
Rottmann, H., Alef, W., Tingay, S.,
Norris, R., Bach, U., Brisken, W., Lenc, E.,
Wide-field VLBA observations of the Chandra deep field South,
Astron. & Astrophys., 526, A74.
- A typical complex bandpass
of VERA VLBI stations.
- First X/S VLBI experiment
at station WARK12M
- About the VLBA 1GHz wide frequency
- VLBA experiment s3111b
- LBA Experiment vt14a
Absolute astrometry using VLBA Imaging and
Polarimetry Survey (VIPS) data.
Loading caused by the land water sotrage.
Memo: some pitfalls of the wide field astrometry.
- Discussion about acummulation lengths
in DiFX correlator.
- VLBI experiment K10186
- VLBI experiment K10200
- LBA Experiment v271d
Memo: Merits and perils of long integration time at X-band.
Comparsion of the hardware and software correlators
VLBI autocorrelation.
Software versus hardware correlator for rdv76
Very short baseline interferometry
Compactness of AT20G sources obsrved during LCS
OPENDAP and GDS support for Giovani
Requested sources for rdv72
Australian experiment V230
Source statistics on 2007.04.01
Proposed update of the geodetic source list
256 versus 1024 Mbps.
Improvement of baseline length repeatabililty
due to replacing Mark-3 VLBI system with Mark-4.
1bit versus 2bits.
Daily nutation offsets with respect to the semi-empirical
expansion MHB2000.
Memo: high SNR, 1Gps VLBI experiments in 2004-2006.
- Displacements caused by the
solid Earth tides.
- Current source position
- Effect of the NUTFA_JUL2006_BUG
on EOP estimates from global VLBI solutions.
- Memo: The number of independent
equations of conditions in VLBI observations.
- Viewgraphs to presentation
"VLBI analysis in 2007" on 2005.10.17
- Sked position catalogues.
- Coordinates of the sources request to
be observed in RDV experiments.
- corel_export utility.
- Two requested sourcs for rdv48
- Draft of the A-list of sources for RDV
- How time series of VLBI estimates of
nutation angle offsets with respect to expansion MHB2000
looks like.
- Time series of coordinates of
some IDV (intra-day variable) radio sources.
- Astrometric/Geodetic VLBA
experiments. Raw data.
- Search of 160 minutes
oscillations in the Earth rotation.
- Unsolved problems of VLBI
- Some plots of fringe phases
in 02MAR20XA experiment
- NMF2
- Availability of raw VLBA correlator
- Density of extragalactic radio sources
with precise coordinates
- Free core nutation
- Report about observing
campaigns for search of candidates for NEOS Intensives
VLBI experiments.
- Concept of the VCAT -- new VLBI
Catalogue system for Calc/Solve
- Evolution of position of 0235+164
- PIETOWN antenna
- e-vlbi experiment 03MAR25XX at
- Probability to find a calibrator
source within a disk with a given radius in an arbitrary
direction on the sky.
- First successful geodetic
experiment in SVETLOE.
- Memo: VLBI R&D experiments in 2002.
- Memo: Perspectives of VLBI analysis
- Zero fringe rate problem
- Data formats of site
position displacements caused by loadings
- For Jinling Li
- Evolution of position of sources
2250+194 and 3C454.4
- Baseline length repeatability of
R1 and R4 experiments
- Topic: Izobaric Mapping function
- Proposal of a four-band test at
the end of rdv35 VLBI experiment
- Plots of spherical harmonic
functions of degree 1,2,3
- The differences between
Goddard solutions 2002b and 2001c
- Konstantin Nurutdinov
- Oleg Alexandrovich Titov
- Experiment apsg9 ($01OCT15XA)
- Multiple phase cal tones in experiment
c1014 ($01JUL09XA)
- Multiple phase cal tones in experiment
c1013 ($01JUN25XA)
- Multiple phase cal tones in 189-0254 scan of rdv22
- Comments to observing plan for 2002.
- Gravitational VLBI experiment on
08 September 2002.
- Some photos from the NVI outing on
2001.08.18 .
- Ionosphere frequencies.
- MEMO: ionosphere contribution
- Fringe plot.
- Differences in EOP due
to different way of modeling HRAS 085 VLBI antenna motion.
- Comparison of jpnti5 experiment
processed by Mark4+Fourfit versus K4+kcomb
- 2001c solution.
- int03 solution.
- Memo: Influence of a priori pole
coordinate errors on the errors of UT1 determined from NEOS
- Phase misclosures in Mark-3
and Mark-4 data
- Investigation of the
differences between gsfint02 and gsfint01 series
- Draft of the chapter
12 of IERS Conventions 2001
- Memo: "Time and VLBI"
- Radiosource arc-lengths
- Strange behavior of single band
delay at TIGOWTSL/WETTZELL baseline in IRIS-156
- Formal uncertainties of
Goddard operational VLBI EOP series.
- Some plots of EOP
- Quasar 0839+187
- Discussion about Earth orientation
parameters definitions
- Comparison of rdv-11
experiment processed by WACO+Fourfit versus and VLBA+AIPS
- For A. Rodin
- 99AUG02XA VLBI experiment.
- Phase cal in EFLSBERG.
- Calc 9.1
- Yebes in Europe51
- for Leipzig team
- for A. Rozanov
- for S. Rudenko
- Phase cal of NOTO.
- Solar eclipse on 11-AUG-99.
Report of a witness.
- Spurious signals in phase calibration
- Evolution of source positions.
- Ruins...
- Fundamentality
- Illustrations to the thriller
(for Karen)
- 99FEB04XK VLBI experiment.
Discussion concerning baseline dependent clock estimation in SOLVE
Comparison of results produced by f-SOLVE and s-SOLVE.
- 98APR20XA VLBI experiment.
- Web-server problem.
- 98MAY19XE VLBI experiment.
- 98APR15XB VLBI experiment.
- 97MAR31XB VLBI experiment.
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Last update: 2016.02.14_20:14:27
Web page was prepared by Leonid Petrov